I haven’t talked alot about fake or fraudulent coupons, but, it’s important that you are aware. They are out there. Sometimes they circulate by email. If you receive a coupon that you think might not be legitimate, you can go to the Coupon Information Corporation and check it out. You can search for a product name and see the info… Continue Reading
Will This Really Be Effective?
Ok, so I saw this the other day…I’m not sure how I feel about it. Well, maybe I am! In California, Silicon Valley, the county voted this week to ban restaurants from giving away toys and other FREEbies that come with kids meals, to curb the childhood obesity epidemic. Now, here’s my problem: Why are government officials punishing kids for… Continue Reading
I Got Great Deals Today!
I went shopping today! Yay! I did pretty good! I went to Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Kroger and WalMart! I also made a stop by Murphy USA for a FREE Diet Coke! So, I purchased a grand total of $75.65 in groceries and I spent a total of $19.59! That’s a savings of $56.06! I LOVE it! I am HAPPY! Continue Reading
Why Do I Do It?
From time to time, someone will ask me why I do what I do. Why I run this site, why I shop the way I do, why I buy as much as I buy (can you really call it “buying” when it’s almost always FREE?) Well, here’s one reason, one of the main reasons: Dian, Earth Day has been terrific for… Continue Reading
Great Trip To CVS!!!
UPDATE: I didn’t realize until Colleen pointed it out to me, but there is also a $5 off $10 in the April All You! That makes it even better!! I am so excited, I am beginning to get back in the swing of things! I was able to do a small trip to CVS today with my husband. I got… Continue Reading
Two Of My Favorite Things!
Where did coupons come from? Who had the idea to do it first? I love the story of how coupons began, because for some reason since I was a child, I have LOVED the Coca-Cola company! I love the songs, the commercials, the polar bears! I love the decor, the signs, the old bottles…the only thing about Coke I didn’t… Continue Reading