10 Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is fast approaching and I wanted to share the 10 Halloween Safety Tips that our local police department put together.
We want to have a great time and make great memories with our kids, but, we always want to be sure to keep everyone safe along the way, too! These tips will help you and your kids be prepared!
Be sure to check out 21 Halloween Costume And Decorations and 20 Spooktacular Halloween Treats, too!
Costume Choice
When choosing a Halloween costume, stay away from billowing or long trailing fabric.
Not only can kids trip and fall, but it can get stepped on by others walking nearby or even catch fire on any candles or lights people have used for decorations.
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Superhero Vision
If your child is wearing a mask, make sure the eye holes are large enough so they can see out well.
Whether they are trick or treating alone, with friends, or with you they need to be able to see all around them easily an well so they can protect themselves.
Let There Be Light
Provide children with flashlights to carry for lighting or glow sticks as part of their costume.
You can easily integrate one into a costume. There are many you can choose from that hang around your neck or you can decorate one you have to match your costume, they even have gloves that have lights in them.
There may be some areas where it’s hard to see what’s in front of them. They could trip over a rock or fall due to a small hole in a yard they are walking through.
Fire Hazard
Dried flowers, cornstalks and crepe paper are highly flammable. Keep these and other Halloween decorations well away from all open flames and heat sources, including light bulbs, and heaters.
A fire can happen in a matter of seconds and get out of control in a flash. So better safe than sorry when it comes to your Halloween decorations and any small goblins and ghouls that show up at your door.
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Don’t Play With Fire
It is safest to use a flashlight or battery-operated candle in a jack-o-lantern. If you use a real candle, use extreme caution.
Make sure children are watched at all times when candles are lit. When lighting candles inside jack-o-lanterns, use long, fireplace-style matches or a utility lighter.
Jack-O-Lantern Placement
Be sure to place lit pumpkins, aka jack-o-lanterns well away from anything that can burn and far enough out of way of trick-or-treaters, doorsteps, walkways and yards.
They are extremely fun to look at and decorate with, but fire safety is important when it comes to these creepy faced pumpkins.
Clean Getaway
Remember to keep exits clear of decorations, so nothing blocks escape routes.
IF a fire were to happen, or even if someone got scared, they need to be able to feel safe and have a place to get away quickly.
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Stop Drop And Roll
We can’t talk about Halloween Safety Tips with out this one: Tell children to stay away from open flames. Be sure they know how to stop, drop and roll if their clothing catches fire.
Have them practice, stopping immediately, dropping to the ground, covering their face with hands, and rolling over and over to put the flames out.
Don’t Play With Fire
Use flashlights as alternatives to candles or torch lights when decorating walkways and yards.
They are much safer for trick-or-treaters, whose costumes may brush against the lighting.
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Plan An Escape Route
If your children are going to Halloween parties at others’ homes, have them look for ways out of the home and plan how they would get out in an emergency.
Teaching kids fire safety is an important lesson. Be sure to go over these basics before Halloween, making sure they have fun but are safe.
Making sure are kids have a well rounded, fun childhood AND stay safe can sometimes be hard. Make sure when teaching them about safety they understand that these are “just in case”, not something they constantly have to worry about.
I hope these 10 Halloween Safety Tips will help you prepare for Halloween and have a great time, too. Please share any tips you have in the comments below.

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