I am Dian, a stay at home mother of four, and I want to thank you for taking the time to read my ebook “Learn How YOU Can Grocery Shop For FREE!“. My hope is that you come to enjoy shopping as much as I do and are able to have plenty for your family and enough left over to give and help others!
I began coupon shopping after one of my teenage sons came home from a friend’s house talking about how he loved going there. He was always talking about how much cereal they had and that he could eat all he wanted. I never bought cereal because my 3 boys would eat 2-3 boxes in one sitting! Being 16 at the time, he was quite impressed with the seemingly endless boxes of cereal! (He loves cereal.) He also talked about how they had “tons” of frozen pizzas and they could eat as many of those as they wanted, too.
So, Of course I was curious and I asked why his friend’s mom had so many boxes of cereal and frozen pizzas at any given time. He simply said “She coupon shops”. Well that got my attention! I had always thought about coupon shopping, but all of the finding and cutting out of coupons all to save a quarter, I never was motivated enough. It just didn’t make sense to me. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I would cut them out and keep them; I even bought a coupon filer a few times.
Does this sound familiar? I would get the newspaper, cut out the coupons I might use, file them in my filer, then totally forget about them! Then, when I would remember them or find them in my purse and look at them (after I had already been to the store, of course) and sure enough they would be expired!
So, I thought, I would call this woman with all of the endless pizzas and cereal and ask how she did it. She told me she would be happy to teach me and that was good news! I called a friend and she was interested also. So, we got some friends together and this lady came and taught us how to do it, and we have been doing it ever since and have been having a great time, sharing bargains and savings stories! So, I am now going to share with you what she shared with us.
Get Your Coupons:
The coupons come mostly in the Sunday paper. There are anywhere from 1-6 booklets of flyers or inserts in the Sunday papers. Usually there’s always a Smart Source and a Red Plum, and sometimes there are more than one Smart Source or Red Plum, and then sometimes a General Mills, or a Proctor & Gamble. Each week on Thursday i update the Coupon Preview, here on the site – which will tell you what coupons will be in the paper that coming Sunday.
The store sales ads are usually (in our area) in the mail on Tuesday or Wednesday, or they might be in the paper. In our area the stores sell the early Sunday edition of the newspaper on Saturday in a two pack. So, we can buy 2 newspapers and get two sets of coupons at a time.
You can also ask your neighbors, friends, and family to keep coupons from the Sunday paper for you, too. Many times I have been in a restaurant and seen that someone left the paper behind and I just get the coupons out of it.
Once you have the coupons what now? I usually get 10 newspapers each week. No, you don’t need that many, but, when I first started my friends and I found a way to get them FREE, so why not? There was a group of local restaurants that got the Sunday paper to give out to their customers and they kindly gave us the leftovers! So, check around, ask around and see what you can find, there might be a way for you to get some extra papers, too
Sorting and Clipping:
Now, this is where you have to find your own way of doing things. I will tell you a few ways that I have tried in the past:
A. You can take your coupon flyers and write the date on the front and put them in a file or basket, and then when you need a certain coupon you can find it easier.
B. If you have acquired more than one paper, then you have more than 1 set of flyers. So, you can take a particular flyer, (say you have acquired 2 papers and have 2 sets of flyers) get two of the same flyer and put the identical pages from each flyer together. So, if your flyers were 10 pages, and you had 2 identical flyers, you should have 10 stacks of 2 identical pages together. Now, paper clip each set of coupons together. So, if you have 3 coupons on the front of one stack and 2 on the other side of one stack, you would need 5 paper clips, paper clip the identical coupons together. Try to put your paperclips over the UPC Code so that you don’t accidentally cut the code off. Now, you can do this two ways. You can file them as they are now and when you need some of them you can pull them out and cut them, or you can cut them all now. If you choose to cut them later, just put them together and file them by name of the flyer and by date (i.e. Smart Source 2/13/11). Again, so that you can find them when you need them. If you want to cut them you need a place to put them where they are easy to find when you need them. You can buy a large notebook and buy either baseball card holders or photo pages to put them in. Either way it’s up to you and what makes it easier for you. I tried the photo pages and then changed to the baseball card pages, now I use a combo of baseball card pages and files. If you choose to cut them all and put them in a notebook, you can take your notebook with you to the store every time and then when you see an unadvertised sale you will have all of your coupons and you can use them for the sale!
C. Now, personally, I paperclip and file mine in a filing cabinet with the date and name of the flyer on the tab of the file folder. I put any coupons that I cut to use at the store and then didn’t use in my notebook.
Now how do I use these coupons to get FREE Stuff?!
Ok, if your store doubles or triples coupons, you are in a great place to start!
So let’s look at what that means: If I have a $.25 off coupon for butter and butter is $1.00 and my store triples coupons up to $.39, then my coupon is good for .$75, not just $.25! So, that makes my butter $.25, now when was the last time you bought butter for a quarter?! So, even better, what if you have 2 coupons for butter or 4? You would have enough butter until the next time it goes on sale!
So, let’s look at doubling: if your store doubles up to $.50, then your $.25 butter coupon would be good for $.50, not $.25, so then your butter would be: $.50! Still pretty good!
Now, you need to know the rules at your store (check out all the Store Coupon policies here), because there are rules. First of all print all of your stores coupon policies and carry them with you. Some stores will only double or triple one like coupon (1 butter coupon, not 2) per order and then treat all other like coupons at face value. In these cases the district manager has told us that as long as we aren’t holding up a line we can check-out more than once. Now my being able to get butter for a $.25 makes me not mind standing in line and checking out a few times. Try to go when the store isn’t really busy.
But, we haven’t talked about FREE! That’s right there is always FREE! I love FREE! If there is a 10 for $10. sale on butter at my store, I know that means I can buy 10 butters for $10., but, does it mean I HAVE to buy 10 butters in order to get the sale price? NO! Absolutely not! You can buy 1 or 3 or however many you want and they will all ring up for the $1.00 price. It’s kind of simple when you think about it, but, I didn’t pay much attention, I always thought, “I don’t need ten of those!” Never thinking I didn’t have to buy ten!
So, now I am buying hand soap and I have a $.35 coupon for it, and they are on sale 10 for $10. and my store triples up to $.39, so my hand soap is FREE! Now, notice that the $.35 coupon will triple and become $1.05, you will not get the extra $.05 back, but sometimes I have had to add a candy bar to my order for it to come out right. Most of the computer registers are set up to not give you that extra five cents, but, some are still not, so just grab a candy bar or use it to purchase something you don’t have a coupon for, but NEVER take the money. It’s just not right. We want to do things the right way so that the stores continue to accept coupons and double
and triple.
Now how do I find the deals?:
I do coupon and sale match ups and weekly shopping lists for you so you know where to go to find the coupons and where to use them!
Just check out the Penny Pinching Bargain Bunch and find your area and your store to find the deals in your are!
You can check out My Coupon Database, it’s FREE and you can search for any coupons you may want. It will show you any printable ones, or any in magazines or mailers you may have and also which week in the newspaper inserts you will find certain coupons!
After I file away my coupons I can go to My Coupon Database & say you want to buy syrup you can go to the database and type in syrup and it will tell you what syrup coupons you have and where to find them.
So, that’s about it! I know there is a lot of information here and some of it can become confusing so, if you have any questions or need clarification for anything you have read here, please feel free to contact me!
I LOVE couponing and LOVE to teach and help people do it! I hope this helps you, let me know how much you are saving!
Happy Shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a FREE ebook. There are no guarantees implied or otherwise.
However, upon request, I will be more than happy to answer any questions, give any guidance, advice, and support to the purchaser(s) of this product!
Grocery Shop For FREE is the sole author and copyright owner of this information. Consequently, I am the only person authorized to sell this product. This product is not printed with resell rights or permissions, no exceptions Those who buy or sell illegal copies of this product will be prosecuted.
Joy says
This was so helpful! I’m just beginning to get into coupon shopping after doing a massive overhaul on our budget. Thank you so much!
Dian says
You are very welcome. Be sure to check out my videos, too, I am sure they will be helpful as well.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
erika sharer says
Hey Dian I am still loving your site. I have two questions. First I know I seen a place to donate money to your site some where I just can’t find it any where now so where is it?!? Second I am going to be hosting a coupon swap/tips night in my home and would to use your ebook as a guide / referance. Would that be okay with you? (I wouldn’t be selling it or giving it out. Just passing along the tips you have given.)
Thanks again for all you do! ES
Dian says
Thank you so much for the kind words!
I took the donate button down, I was afraid it was too obtrusive. If you would like to donate you can send a Paypal donation to Dian@groceryshopforfree.com. If you need to know any more about how to do it, just let me know.
I would be honored for you to share my eBook info thru your coupon nite! That sounds like a fun time!
erika sharer says
Sent! Personally I think you should have the donate button up!!!
peggy ,means says
hi dian , hey i have a bunch of good problems by that i mean
i dont know what to do with so any coupons?i hate to let them go bad ,i resently
went to our neighborhood store and put the coupons by the food items the store manager ask me not to do that anymore,i told him i was just trying to help others
a friend of my hubby’s works delivering paper and they were throwing the extra
inserts away i ask him to bring them to me and ill use them the problem is i get them 2-3 weeks later.most dates are still good ..[ i am talking about 300 or more inserts per type redplum smart sourse p& g not all the same time ] :beauty: any sugestions on what i can do with them i checked with the local churches they said they couldnt use them ., someone to me to sell them on ebay but i dont type well and it ould take me forever to list them .. can you help?i hate to throw money away also how do i search to find certain coupons such kingsford charcoal and reg suave shampoo what my family used most?
Dian says
@peggy ,means: Some of the homeless shelters coupon shop to help provide for the shelter, you can check there. Or put an ad up on Craigslist and see if anyone will take them.
Each week I put up a coupon preview to tell you what’s coming out that week in the coupons (there isn’t one this weekend because it’s a holiday weekend), you can check it to see what you will want to get and then when you get them you will know where they are. You can also go to the coupon preview tab on my menu bar and use the Find function on your browser to search and find specific coupons.
Let me know if you need anything else!
Rhonda says
Sure do wish you were in my area. I would love to have some of them. We have a womens shelter that would love to have them or you could send the to military overseas. They love getting them. That is there only source for coupons. Coupons are good for 6 months past the expired date at the commissary.
Thank you
peggy ,means says
i mispelled my email address it is
Dian says
@peggy ,means: I replied to the other comment so this is the one you will probably get in your email, you can come back to the site and read my comment, Let me know if there is anything else I can do. I could also ask if anyone wants them on the site and maybe they could pay you to mail them to them, just let me know if you want to do that.
peggy says
thank so much never thought of shelters… sounds great
Dian says
@peggy: You’re very welcome!
Jenna says
I mail out all my extra and/or expired coupons out to the military overseas. They can always use it up to six months after the expiration date.
Sarah says
Dian, I love your site but I just dont get the coupon shopping. I have read books, researched the internet and visited every coupon site imaginable. I am not saving much money using coupons. The only stores in my area are an HEB Plus (which is super expensive) and a Wal-Mart. (We have CVS and Walgreens as well but I mean for grocery shopping.) I have found that it is cheaper to buy the Great Value brand at Wal-Mart the majority of the time than it is to use a coupon for the name brand. For example, I had a coupon for 55 cents off General Mills Cereals when you buy two boxes. That is about 27 cents off each box. The generic brand or Malt-O-Meal brand is about $1 cheaper so it makes no cents for me to buy the General Mills Cereal even with the coupon. Also, people are saying you can combine more than one coupon for the same item as long as it is from a different source. For example, you can use a store coupon and a manuf. coupon for the same item or you can use a check (such as a formula or diaper check) combined with a coupon. Neither Wal-Mart nor HEB will allow this. Nor do they double or triple any coupons. Also, if the coupon or check is for a larger amount than what the item is priced then you can not use it. I had some $10 checks for Pampers Diapers and small bag of diapers was $9.93 and I could not use it. I had to buy a larger box which was $19.93. So I was still having to spend $10. I am not trying to complain about a $10 coupon but I use cloth diapers and only buy disposables as back ups so I did not really need a large box. I end up spending more when I use coupons b/c I buy more expensive items or a higher quantity then what I would normally buy just to use a coupon. Am I doing something wrong? Can you offer any advice?
Thank you for your time!
Dian says
@Sarah: I am sorry to hear that your store is not following the correct policy.
I went to 2 different Wal-Mart’s in the same week, I bought 5 baby wipes at each for $1.97 each and each coupon was for $2 off. The first store gave me the overrage, I bought something more and the overrage applied to what I bought. The second store ran my coupons and then adjusted the price so that I didn’t get the overrage, that’s fine with me, too. But it takes some time to do that and I think they just don’t want to do it.
Wal-Mart is hard to work with often, however, corporate is not hard to work with and they call the store when they are wrong and a manager is told to call you back, usually in 24-48 hours. Wal-Mart’s corporate policy states that they will only take 1 coupon per product. So, that’s that. I would carry a copy of the coupon policy and if you run into issues ask for the manager and if they give you problems as well, call corporate.
The way ALL couponing works is to match a sale with a coupon. I could go to my store that triples coupons and use a $.55 off Cereal when it’s not on sale and ALWAYS the store brand will be cheaper. You HAVE to match the coupons with sales or the generic will ALWAYS be cheaper. That’s why I write up a Wal-Mart match-up list each week for people to shop by, and there are others who do the same.
Stockpiling is the way to go, find a sale and coupons and when they work together, buy alot and then you won’t be forced to pay a high price when there’s no sale and no coupon, but you are out of cereal.
I bought 10-15 packs of baby wipes when they were on sale and I had coupons, I bought 16 ;aundry detergents when they were on sale and I had a coupon. Today I bought 30 cans of pork and beans because with the sale and the coupon they were $.29, I won’t need any more until they are on sale again. You have to match the sales with the coupons and then buy extra, so you are never caught needing anything and having to buy it without a sale and coupon combo.
It takes a few months to build a good stockpile, but you can do it. All sales run in cycles…through the summer there are condiments and pickles and bbq stuff and paper goods on sale that have coupons, just before school starts kleenex and cereal and eggos and pop tarts and snack foods and lunchables are on sale with coupons…so, you will get the hang of it as time goes on.
Watch my videos on how to do it and make a price book so you know when an item is on sale for a good price.
Let me know if you have any other questions, and you can print Wal-Mart’s Coupon Policy to carry with you: http://walmartstores.com/7655.aspx
Sarah says
Thanks for your quick reply. I guess I am not doing very well at matching a coupon with a sale. I have tried using the database published on couponmom.com for Wal-Mart but I always find that I only need a few things on the list. I guess it just takes a little time to get started. Right now, I dont have anything stock piled so I need everything on the list every time I go to the store, but once I allow time for the sales to roll around and get a good stockpile, I shouldn’t need cereal, condiments or whatever the product is every time I go. Thanks for the advice and encouragement.
Dian says
@Sarah: Everything you said is exactly right! Just take the time and it will happen and you will be a pro in no time! I f you need anything, feel free to ask that’s what I’m here for!
Thanks! Happy Shopping!
Sarah says
So I think I may be getting the hang of this coupon thing. I went to CVS with my ExtraCare card. I went to the machine and got a $3 off $15 purchase. If you spent $24 on Aveeno products you got $10 ECB. I spent $25 and used 4 $1.50 coupons so I got $6 off and $10 ECB’s. Dish soap was on sale for $0.99 and I had a coupon for $0.75 off so I got it for $0.29. It was a small one but still cheap. I got milk on sale for $2.49 and got $1 ECB. In the end, I spent $30 and got $17 ECB’s back to use next time. My proudest moment though was NOT buying the HP printer ink. The special was buy 2 get $10 ECB. I needed ink but it was $6.50 more expensive per package than at Walmart. So I would have spent $13 more just to get $10 ECB. I’m glad I passed it up. Now if I can just figure out if items are really a good deal just b/c they are on sale. I guess that is why you said I need to start a price book. That is what I will do next. Thanks for your help. I LOVE your site and I think it is great that you actually respond back to your readers.
Dian says
@Sarah: What a great job you did! Wow! You ARE getting the hang of it, from the sound of it, looks like you’re doing pretty well! Send a picture and write up what you did, this time or next and I’ll share with everyone. That makes everyone more confident and encourages each other!
Great job! Let me know if you have any questions or need anything!!
Jennifer says
Just started this coupon stuff with my mother in law and sister in law (the pro) and we are having the most fun! I have been to Walgreens, CVS, and Homeland about 12 times in the last 3 or 4 days and I think my husband is about to have me committed! 🙂 FREE is the most fun thing I could have ever imagined. Happened upon your site this morning and I am promply adding it to my favorites! Anxious for school supply shopping to commence because I intend on getting things a whole lot cheaper/free this year and with #4 starting school, I know I will need every savings I can find! Thank you for taking the time to help all of us moms! Have a blessed day~
Dian says
@Jennifer: Jennifer, I am glad you are starting on this journey, it is sooo fun! It helps the family out sooo much, too!
Thanks for your kind words, if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! I am here for you!
Thanks again!
Lauren says
Dear Dian,
Thanks for your website! I am just starting out… bought a sunday paper for the first time today..lol. I am very confused about the whole process but anxious to get started. I wish there was a class where I live to learn how to do this. I have 3 girls and two are special needs, so it is important to learn how to save money for our family. Hoping I get the hang of this! Thanks for being available!
dian says
Lauren, welcome! You can always feel free to ask me anything, I love to help!
Lauren says
I am not sure I am getting this. I went to to one of my local grocery stores and saved $25 but still spent $139. I know it’s going to take me a while to get the hang of it, but I have a few questions. They would not take more than one coupon for each item. They said “doubling” means that they will double the coupon at the register… I though you could use more than one coupon for a single item as well. I am also not sure about the store’s doubling. Do you have to ask them to double or do the register’s do it automatically? When I went, it didn’t look like they doubled anything and I did call before and ask if they did and they said yes… Any help or direction would be great!
Dian says
@Lauren: Thanks for asking and I am glad to help in any way!
Most stores will allow you to use 1 store Q and 1 Manufacturer’s Q together – that is called “Stacking”
A store Q is a Q that the store itself puts out – like Kroger sometimes may have a Kroger Q and I could use that AND a manufacturer Q
“Doubling” is when the store has a policy of doubling the amount on the Manufacturer Q
Say a Q is for $.40 – my store will double that and it becomes an $.80 Q instead of just a $.40 Q
Now, you need to know how many your store will double per item – like if you have 5 Gillette Body Wash Q’s and and they are all for $.50 and you want to buy 5 Gillette and have those Q’s take off $1 from each of those. Some stores say they will double the first 3 per “like” item and then the rest of the Q’s you have for that same item they will go for face valuse only.
In my store If I want to buy 5 Gillette’s and use 5 $.50 off and make sure they all double I would have to check out 2 times because my store will double the first 3 Q’s for the same item and then not double any more for that same item.
So, I would checkout 3 of the Body Washes and use 2 $.50 and then do another transaction (checkout) and buy the other 2 and use the other 2 Q’s and then they all 5 will double.
You need to ask “How many “like” coupons do you double or triple per transaction?”
Does that make some sense?: It will get easier as you go along trust me!
Let me know i you have any other questions!
Thanks and Happy Shopping!
MandyQ says
I have fallen in love with your site & I just found it a few hours ago from this lady’s site:
I have been trying to save by using coupons and doing rebates, but understanding how to really work it is hard to get for us newbies. With the way you explain things it is soooo much easier to understand! I will send you a picture of my first shoping trips with your teaching being my guide & let you know how I did.
Thanks so much for an awsome site!
Dian says
@MandyQ: Welcome to the site! And thanks for the compliment – I am so glad you found it! I would be thrilled for you to send in pics of your trip(s) anytime!
You are so very welcome!
Thank you!
Anytime you need anything, please ask, I try to answer as fast as I can!
Thanks again!
MandyQ says
I went to CVS with a list (thanks to your list) and a bunch of coupons. After checking out three times and using the ECB I earned I ended up getting a bunch of stuff for just $15.08! Woo-Hoo 🙂
To get you the pictures of the stuff I was able to get do you want me to put them on a comment, or email them to you?
Thanks for all your help!!
Dian says
@MandyQ: Awesome! You can email them to : Dian@groceryshopforfree.com I can’t wait to see them!
Jessica says
hi i am brand new to your site i havent really even looked around yet but i started reading your e book and i just got to say thank you, thank you so much for doing this i just now started think about coupon shopping but i think its really great that you would share your secret with the world i am an avid freebie hunter im always looking for free samples and such im always telling everyone it may only be sample size but you would be surprized how much it can save shoot i havent had to pay for tooth paste in almost 3 years because of all the free tooth paste samples i get but anyway i just wanted to thank you most people wouldnt bother to teach others how to do this they would just say oh that would take to much time and keep it to themselves so i just think your wonderful for this!!!!!!!! sincerely, Jessica :yes:
Dian says
@Jessica: Thank you so much for the kind words – that is what I want! My goal is to share what I have learned to help others and to make it easy to understand. I have written info as well as videos so that whichever way is easiest for you to learn, it is available!
If you ever have any questions or need anything, feel free to let me know. You can comment or email me anytime!
Again, thank you for the kind words!
Kyttra says
Dian. You have changed my family’s whole way of eating. Up until I found your site, everything in our cupboards and pantry was generic Great Value brand. Now, we have name brand everything and I am spending about half of our previous budget. It is ridiculously fun, easy and so gratifying! Thanks and keep up the great work.
Dian says
@Kyttra: What kind words! I LOVE hearing how the info I provide helps people! I LOVE helping people it makes me so happy to be able to help. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know! I was in your shoes once, I remember some store brand thing that my kids hated! Who knew you could get FREE Red Baron Pizzas or Hot Pockets or spaghettios?! Kids love them and now we know how to get them without going broke!
If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask, that’s why I’m here!
Thank you again!
Kayla says
Hi there! I’m the oldest girl in my family (of 11), and I’m a senior in high school. My mom decided this last week that now would be a good time for me to learn to “shop smart”. We already save a lot of money grocery shopping by doing things like buying in bulk, only buying on sale, stocking up the sale thing, etc. But my mom has never really got the hang of shopping with coupons. I guess that’s where I come in. I just started researching two days ago, and I’ve been really overwhelmed and confused by it all. Until I found your site, that is! Thanks for making everything so clear for beginners, like me. If you have any tips for coupon shopping for BIG families, then let me know!
Dian says
@Kayla: Thanks so much for the kind words! Make sure you watch my videos explaining shopping at Walgreens and CVS as well. The best advice I can give for shopping with big families is to stockpile. Wait until an item is rock bottom (about ever 6 weeks an item will go rock bottom) then use coupons to snatch up as many as you can and hopefully you won’t need to buy anymore of that item until it is rock bottom again.
Instead of shopping for things when you need them – you need to change your thinking to buy things when they are on sale and “need” nothing – because you have plenty already!
Understand? I LOVE that you are helping your mom out this way! I LOVE big families and the way they operate!
Feel free to ask me anything you might need to, I am here to help!!
Thanks again,
mom2twinskating says
I have used coupons, but sure haven’t utilized them properly! I have enjoyed reading every page on your website and looking forward to seeing what I can really do w/these coupons! I do have 2 questions, related to doubling/tripling. First, does a store automatically double or triple at the register or do you have to ask them to do it? Second, is there a list of store chains that do this or do you call ahead and find out what their policy is? Thanks again for sharing this wealth of information!
Dian says
@mom2twinskating: I am so glad you found my page and learning how to make the most of your coupon shopping!
As far as Doubling/Tripling, call ahead to find out your stores policy or check out their webpage and print out their policy and keep it with you when you shop. Also, if your store Doubles/Triples they will do it automatically at the register. The register does it.
Feel free to ask me anything else you need or want to, I LOVE to help!
Happy Shopping!
Elizabeth says
hi, dian Im new to usin coupon. I used them here and there but never really got into it..but i well sooooo to b a family of 5 baby on the way in a few days..and im on a very tied buget…i have a few questions cuz the coupons kind of confues me…Q1…At the store i shop at thy always have 10 for 10 sale..let say i have a coupon that says get 3 for a $off..does that mean im only gettin on can free and have to pay for the othere 2?/and do u have to have 10 of the same coupons to get all 10 free???the coupons that say 50cent off 2 bottles..does that mean it take 50 cent off each bottle or just one ???i hope u can help me….
Dian says
@Elizabeth: Thanks for contacting me and I will help any way i can!
So if the sale is 10 for $10 – you do not have to buy 10 – that basically means they are $1 each – BUT, if the coupon says $1 off of 3 you HAVE to buy 3. So you generally have to do what the coupon says.
The coupons that say $.50 off of 2 means you have to buy 2 and you get $.50 off.
On the 10 for $10 with a $1 off of 3 that would make each of them $.67.
I hope that makes sense.
Feel free to ask me anything! I want to help!
Tami says
I have been couponing for a few months, but just getting the hang of it. I do have one question. It should be obvious, but I always get hung up on it. If I have a P&G Q for B1G1 free can I use 2 of these and get them both free? Or can I use the B1G1 free and say a $2/1 Q on the 2 items or can I only use the B1G1 free Q on the 2 items?
Love your site by the way. It is my go to site. I check it everyday. Thank you for all your help.
Dian says
Tami » Ok, so this can be confusing when you first start, but, here the deal – you are getting one FREE the manufacturer is giving you 1 fFREE, so you can’t use a coupon on that one cause it’s already FREE. But, the one you have to buy – you can use a coupon on that 1.
Now, the exception is most of the drug stores will allow you to use a Bogo coupon with a Bogo sale because the store is giving you one FREE and the manufacturer is giving you one FREE. Now the groceries stores are usually not into doing that.
Thanks so much for the kind words!
I hope that helps!
amber says
Hey Dian, thanks for all the info, I am a stay-at-home mom of three boys and i am very new to couponing. I have been to over 30 websites about couponing and read The Coupon Mom’s book, so I have a little information overload. But my main question is how to get coupons. Is it really worth paying $20 a week for Sunday papers just for the coupons? I live in a very rural area and not many of my neighbors or family take the paper. I am not above dumpster diving although that would terribly embarrass my husband. I have checked with some hotels and restaurants to see what they do with their extras but they said they don’t pay to have the inserts put in. How do I get my hands on all these coupons, without spendiong so much money on papers?
Dian says
@amber: Well, there are many ways to get them. You can purchase just the ones you want from eBay or a clipping service.
You can check with convenience stores, some of them only have to return the front page to get their money back. I do purchase mine more often than not. However, ours are more like $3 each! But, the Dollar Trees around here sell them for $1.
I could pay $20 a week cause I know they will waaaay more than make up for it, the way I shop! You can watch my videos for more info on where and how to get coupons, as well as what to do once you have them, plus much more: https://groceryshopforfree.com/resources/dians-videos-2/
Dian says
Oh and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
peggy says
would love to give free inserts just pay shipping . cant stand to throw them out,,
Mindy says
Hi Dian,
This is an excellent site with great information. Thanks for all you are doing!
Dian, can you pass my email on to Peggy, (with the extra inserts), as I will be glad to pay shipping to take at least some of those inserts off of her hands. Along with building my own stockpile, I have just started a stockpile for military families to be able to draw from, and the more coupons I have, the more I can do to help these very deserving families.
Dian says
@Mindy: Thanks for the kind words Mindy! I will definitely pass your email on to Peggy!
martha says
Dear Dian,
how are you? i just wanted to let you know how helpful your site is & that you are doing an amazng job. Would you please pass my email along to peggy means ( the lady with all of the extra inserts ) i would be very interested in those & would be willing to send her money for shipping them ..i collect coupons for 6 households & it’s hard to spend alot money to buy that many coupons..( in our area there no paper recycling places). i would appreciate them very much & be very thankful thanks for everything, martha
Dian says
@martha: I will definitely do that!
Thanks for the kind words!
Darci says
I don’t think I have a store that triples my coupons. I can use a store coupon and manufactures coupon at the same time. Wish I did. 🙂 Thank you for your site. Its nice to have some extra help on shopping.
Dian says
@Darci: You’re very welcome! I am here to help – make sure to watch my videos too, they help explain alot and if you have questions – feel free to ask!
Anne says
Hi Dian! I love your site and finding ways to save money on groceries. Our budget seems to shrink and I have kids whose appetities are growing! Right now I shop at Kroger – I am trying to “perfect my technique” there before I venture into drugstore couponing! I do have one question about a possible scenario that I’m not sure about. Suppose I have a coupon for “$1 off 2 items”, and I also have a coupon for each of those 2 items. Can I use 3 coupons in that instance? Thanks so much for your help!!!
Dian says
No the $1 off 2 covers both items like $.50 off 1 would.
You can use 1 for each or the other one but not all three, sorry 🙁
Let me know if you have any more questions – I was out all day or I would have gotten back to you sooner!
heather says
I have a Q about doubling and tripling. Does the register automatical triple or double the coupon or do you have to ask them to do it? Thank you for all the great information!
Dian says
Heather – the registers are set up to do it automatically!
heather says
thank you!
Mandy says
I have a few question?? Walgreens register rewards and cvs extrabucks. I have quite a few things sale items I can get this week at cvs and walgreens with coupons and receive extra bucks or register rewards with. What is the best way to use the extra bucks or register rewards you receive? Wait until the next week to use with your couponing so your not paying anything for what your getting for dirt cheap or free with coupons or use this week on things you need for your house like catlitter, soda, and diapers that you may not have coupons for and would have to pay for at other stores but you still need right now. Im just starting out trying to concept this whole coupon for free. There are no stores in my area that double or triple coupons (jacksonville, fl) So its a slow process of learning the best deals. On average right now I am saving about 30-40 on groceries for my family but still pay about 150-200 for the gorceries for 2 weeks. I know it will take a while to stock pile up and not need some of these items every time i hit the store which will inturn make my grocery bill smaller. A family of 7 needs with a military paycheck needs all the help we can get!
Dian says
Mandy! Funny! I left Dallas yesterday headed to Jax today! I am moving my Mom back to Dallas with me! I was born and raised there! Are you at Mayport?
Anyway, the answer to your question depends on your needs. I might use them to buy things I didn’t have coupons for at this point until I built up a stockpile and then use them for “rolling” and :fr: stuff to get more.
You definitely need to work on your stockpile and then it gets easier.
Growing up Publix was some place we didn’t shop because it was the most expensive, but, I see great Publix deals now all the time. You can check the Penny Pinching Bargain Bunch:
for store in your area to show you the best deals and coupons to use if you haven’t already been using it.
Hope that helps!
Mandy says
@Dian Yes we live out at Mayport! Such as small world!! A lot of my friends recently started shopping at publix for certain things, I also never shopped there until recently because it seemed expensive to me also! I think I’m getting the hang of this by watching your videos and reading. I’m going to take it slow at first till I can get my head wrapped around it all!! Thank you for being an inspiration!
YOU ARE WONDERFULLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! Thank you so much for printing your ebook. I love to coupon , but didnt know how to do it the right way …..now maybe i can get it going . angie
Dian says
You are very welcome! Feel free to ask me anything anytime! Check out my videos, too!
Johanna says
Some stores will only double or triple one like coupon (1 butter coupon, not 2) per order and then treat all other like coupons at face value… What does face value mean?
Dian says
Face Value means the amount on the coupon without doubling or tripling. So, if you have a coupon for $.50 off 1 Bubble Gum, the face value of that coupon is $.50.
Does that make sense?
maria says
Hello there I am so excited in learning how to do this!!!! I live in indiana and I noticed that you dont have that listed when looking at the store deals do you have that information to help me match with coupons. thank you so much Maria
Dian says
Glad to have you!
What stores are you looking for? Sometimes the lists run across a few states or areas.
Let me know and I will help you out!
amber says
Hey Dian, I had a question about a recent purchase I made at Walgreens. I am still learning the ins and outs of couponing but I love it. So Walgreens had a sale going on the Mach 3 disposable razors(3 pack) that were regularly $9.99. It was buy one get one half price. I had a coupon for $3 off one and another coupon for $2 off one. I also had a coupon for buy one get one free for the same product. The lady at the counter let me use them all but even after staring at the receipt for a long time I’m not sure how I did it. I ended up paying $1 each for the razors and I don’t know how! How does that work when you have a bogo 1/2 store promo and a coupon for bogo free coupon? I think I know why she let me use the other two $ off coupons because I was buying two but I’m still a little confused. Can you help me?
Dian says
Well, the cashier was wrong – unless I am missing something.
You can only use 1 manufacturer’s coupon per item so, if you bought 2 items and used 3 manufacturer coupons – she messed up.
On a :bogo: 1/2 off sale and a :bogo: coupon – the store in essence pays for one and the manufacturer pays for the other – making both :fr:!
So, if you got them both :fr: by the above scenario – you can’t use the other 2 because you aren’t paying anything for them.
So, she wasted your coupons in some fashion.
But, I honestly can’t figure out what she did to make you pay $1.
I think maybe your $2 coupon didn’t actually count in the deal. She may have done this:
B1g1 coupon the cashier took off $9.99
and then $3 on the $4.99 product – leaving $1.99 or basically $1 each.
Hope That Helps!
Tiffany says
Ok but how do you save when your store wont double a coupon and almost all the coupons say only one per purchase! This is my problem, thus i can only get about a 50 % savings because I can only use ONE manufacturers coupon with the store sale. All my insert and online provide are mostly manufacturers coupons.
Dian says
One coupon per purchase means I can use 1 for each item I purchase. what they are saying is if you have 3 Ketchup coupons you can buy 3 ketchups and use 1 per ketchup, but you cannot buy 1 ketchup and use all three coupons on that 1 ketchup.
But, you CAN use 1 store coupon and 1 manufacturer’s coupon on 1 item.
I shop more often at Walmart than at the stores that double and triple around here, so that doesn’t mean you can’t do great deals, just because your store doesn’t double or triple. Walgreens and CVS and Rite Aid have great deals and they don’t double – Target and Walmart have great deals and they don’t double.
Just start slow and you will see, try not to get frustrated and it will become very easy!
Hope that helps!
Tiffany says
Thanks. I am such a dummy I thought it meant you can only get one of those items and use one coupon per purchase. That will help a lot.
Dian says
You’re not dumb – everyone thinks that at first, it is the wording. Some cashiers will even tell you that! You just have to know and be polite and explain it to them.
Also, a purchase is 1 item and a transaction is the whole order, that will be important to remember, too – trust me!
Gigi says
I always get coupon stating limit 1 coupon per purchase. Can I still use this to double? Thank you.
Dian says
Yes, you can. One coupon per purchase means I can use 1 for each item I purchase. what they are saying is if you have 3 Ketchup coupons you can buy 3 ketchups and use 1 per ketchup, but you cannot buy 1 ketchup and use all three coupons on that 1 ketchup.
But, you CAN use 1 store coupon and 1 manufacturer’s coupon on 1 item.
I shop more often at Walmart than at the stores that double and triple around here, so that doesn’t mean you can’t do great deals, just because your store doesn’t double or triple. Walgreens and CVS and Rite Aid have great deals and they don’t double – Target and Walmart have great deals and they don’t double.
A purchase is 1 item, a transaction is the entire order.
Felicia says
Now that I have clipped the coupons, made a binder and got the lingo, what do I do now.
Dian says
Felicia » Great question! You can watch my video called: What Do i Do With All These Coupons Now? https://groceryshopforfree.com/dians-videos-2/what-do-i-do-with-all-these-coupons-now/
and that will show you how to use them! Let me know if you have any questions after you have watched it!
Sarah says
I am new to couponing trying to save my family of 5 money. I can only shop every two weeks so hopefully I can get the hang of this your site has been helpful.
Dian says
Sarah » Thanks for the kind words – I am sure you will be able to save your family a ton! Stick around and stick with it!
Feel free to ask me anything , anytime!
Marie says
How do I get started coming up with a shopping list and matching to what coupons I have? Keep coupons and look up each sale item in my coupon bin??
Please help!!!
Dian says
Marie » You can get the sale ad for the store you want to shop at and then use the Coupon Database: https://groceryshopforfree.com/coupon-database/
To look up the items you want to buy and see if there are coupons for those items.
Hope that helps1
Trina says
I just wanted to say thank you for the information….very helpful. I think I am gonna stick to your site like glue cause havent found another that I like as much as yours. Thanks again for helping me learn the ropes of being a stay at home couponer……TRI
Dian says
Trina » Thanks for the kind words! You’re very welcome!!
cindy taylor says
I love this sight. I have one problem. our area does not do double coupons. It’s so frustrating!
I do want to let you know I did learn alot!
Dian says
cindy taylor » Thanks for taking the time to say so, it makes me happy to hear that I can help!
You can still do alot without the doubles, I have lots of friends who don’t have doubles either.
Thanks again for the kind words!
Julie says
will the site update the day the new sales start? Thankyou for you help
Dian says
Julie » Yep, The day of or the day before you will see the new matchups!
lourdes says
i live alone on a social security income i can not afford to buy much for groceries plz tell me how i can get them for free desperatly in need.
Priscilla says
Hi Dian:
I am very new to this and I am having a little trouble getting organized. What is the best way to compare prices in all the sales circulars. It’s hard to remember or even make lists of different stores, items and prices. Any suggestions?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Dian says
Priscilla » I do weekly lists of the best prices and coupon match-ups for my area each week and I have several other lists for stores all over the country you can use to make your shopping easier.
Just click on Store Deals at the top of the page and it will take you to the different states and stores that are covered. If you don’t see an area or store you need, please ,et me know and I will do what I can to find it for you!
Hope that helps!
Tami says
I have a problem with matching up the listings with what is actually in my Wal-Mart store. I live in Wichita Falls, Texas which is North Central Texas. A lot of times there will be listings, such as 1 I found this week, that stated Wal-Mart had Aquafresh Extreme Clean for $0.97 and I had a $1/1 Q. My Wal-Mart did not have them for this price. That is where I have problems when I am trying to match-up the free or next to free items for my shopping trips. I always try to look at the HBA Items first to see what I can get for free or next to free and then go the the household and cleaning, before I do the groceries. It seems in most cases the HBA and the household are where you can get the most savings.
Then I use what I save on those items to apply towards the items that are only a partial savings.
Dian says
Tami » Walmart store prices can vary even across the street from each other, but, normally they are pretty close.
I hope that helps!
jen says
Hi, thank you for writing this ebook, it was great! I have just started this coupon stuff and am still learning. I have one question…Everyone seems to get stuff for free or really cheap, i understand that some places double or even triple coupons but how do you know when a good sale is or how does everyone get grocery bills that were over $200 dollars down to under $50? I just cant wrap my head around that. I was just at the store and used coupons and got the bengay for free and thought I did really good but my total even after coupons was over $57 dollars. My hubby had to leave the store he was so upset with me. Is there anywhere that I can see what people are getting and what coupons they are using? Im so confused. I have 4 year old triplets plus a 6 year old and my hubby just quit his job to have a go at his home business…Times are really rough now and any help would be over appreciated! Thank you for any response!
Dian says
jen » Each week, I post the coupon & sales match ups for Kroger, Walmart, Target, Dollar General, CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid.
I also have a place on my site where you can find the area of the country you live in and see stores and coupon match-ups for those stores!
For just learning couponing you did GREAT! No need to be discouraged.
You need to stock up when there is a good deal with a coupon – that is called stockpiling and you do that to last you until the next time that item goes on sale with a good coupon – that will usually happen again in 6-8 weeks.
You can watch my videos to learn more and I LOVE to help so, I am here to answer questions, too!
Happy Shopping!
jen says
Thank you I am going to check that now!
Dian says
jen » You’re very welcome!
Meggan says
I am so new to this! My Mom-in-law got the “fever” from her friend and we decided to start couponing. I have no idea how to do this at all. I am just as lost as a feather in a hurricane. Help! I bought two Sunday paper and have clipped the coupons, but there are many that I don’t think I will even use. Plus all the matching of the coupons with sales…how do I do that? We have a wide selection of grocery stores, but I live 30min-1hr from any of them, so you can see the need for us to start saving money. I have read so much stuff on all of this, but still don’t feel like I am getting it. How do I maximize my savings without buying a lot of unnecessary things? Thank you in advance!
Dian says
Meggan » First, take a deep breathe and relax – it’s not a race in the beginning, it takes a little time to get your footing and then it will be easy!
You can check out the Penny Pinching Bargain Bunch – that’s a page I have here that has many stores and people across the country who do the coupon/sales match-ups for you! You just choose the store you want to shop at in the area closest to you and the best deals will be there for you and they will tell you which coupons to use to get them.
No one uses ALL of the coupons in the Sunday paper – However, we keep them because you never know down the line if something might come on sale for FREE or even with overage and we want those coupons, to help us get things to donate to local area churches and shelters. Also, some of the drug stores deals will give you “store money” when you purchase certain items you may never have thought to purchase – and those usually will have a coupon. All that was to say – hang on to event he coupons you think you won’t use – they may come in handy later.
Also, make sure to check out my videos, they will help and I am always here to answer any questions you may have.
Denise says
As the ex-wife of a Marine who lived overseas for three years, I would like to take a minute to thank all of you who send extra coupons to the military. It means a lot to those of us on a tight budget to be able to use the coupons. I know in Japan, I was able to use coupons that were up to 6 months expired and that helped stretch our budget a lot. I am new to this site and learning a lot from all of you. Thanks so much! Have a blessed 2012!
Dian says
Denise » Thank you so much – that is all I can say, which is no where near enough, for what your family gave to keep mine safe – Thank You! Thank you for sharing your experiences as well, it is nice to know we can do something to help!
Welcome to the site, and please feel free to ask anything at any time!
Leah Aponte says
Thank you for all your time dedicated to putting this ebook together and all of your additional tools! I have been couponing for a little less than a year now and I am so super excited to share the skill with all my residents in my apartment community! We are holding a couponing 101 class on the 27th and I will be sharing your site to help others get started! Thank you so much for the motivation and I will share with you our success in savings! We will have a running “chart of savings” to spread the news through the community with how much there IS TO SAVE!
Dian says
Leah Aponte » What an awesome idea! That is so cool that you are willing to help your neighbors!! I would love to hear updates on how it is working for y’all!
Thanks so much for the kind words, too!
Becky says
I am so glad for your helpful information. I can’t wait for Sunday to get here and start my couponing adventures!
Thank you Dian!
Dian says
Becky » You’re very welcome! If you ever have any questions, feel free to email me anytime!
Maleania says
I am trying to start couponing but it’s not coming easily to me, I found your website on Facebook. After reading your Ebook, I can’t believe it sounds so easy. I had tried to learn about it from other websites, but just couldn’t get the hang of it. I am subscribed to the Sunday paper, so I get it every Sunday. I’m hoping to get on the ball with couponing. Thanks for explaining it so well!
Dian says
Maleania » Thank you so much I appreciate it very much! I love helping, and it’s great to hear that it is helpful.
Thanks so much for the kind words!
Mona says
Ok need help. Never used a coupon before. I am going to use the Albertson’s in Rowlett Tx. They double coupons up to .50 and triple up to .39 every day. I am confused. If the coupon is for a dollar off then does that mean it triples for a total of 1.89 off? they also advised that their policy is 4 coupons per transaction per customer per household. I am not sure it is worth stockpiling 4 items at a time.
Dian says
Mona » If you have a $1 off coupon it will just be $1 – they only triple any coupon that is $.39 and under and double any coupon that is $.50 and under.
The 4 coupon rule is:
Example you can buy 4 Hunt’s ketchup and use 4 identical $.50 off 1 hunt’s ketchup coupons and all 4 will double to be $1 off. Any more Hunt’s $.50 off 1 coupons identical to the others that you have for that transaction will not double. However you can check out more than once. Also, you can have 4 identical coupons that will double or triple for any other 4 things, too.
So, you can buy as many things as you want with coupons that will double and triple in each transactions, just know that after 4 identical items and coupons the next coupons for the same identical products will not double or triple.
You can also watch my videos and they might help: https://groceryshopforfree.com/dians-videos-2/
Let me know if you have any more questions!
Lois says
I was wondering how to get a copy of your ebook. I wanted to copy it for a reference. Thank you Lois
Dian says
Lois » I emailed you a copy! If you don’t get it check your spam folder sometimes my email goes to spam.
Josh says
Thanks fo the info, it’s much needed. I’m just getting into couponing due to fact we lost our food stamps. I knew we couldn’t afford food with our paychecks, so I know my grandma does couponing, so I decided to give a try. It did help some, but I was spending $200 just to $30 off. Yes it helped but I really don’t have the $200. My only real question is how do you know if they double or tripple your coupon?
Again thanks for sharing, I am going to keep researching your page.
Dian says
Josh » You can ask your store for their coupon policy. you need to know what the policy is. I have 2 stores that double and triple, 2 that price match, and 2 that give cash back – and they are all different. So, it’s important to know what your store’s coupon policy is. Sometimes you can find it on their website.
Also, the longer you coupon and the more you learn the more you will save.
I hope that helps!
samantha says
do you live in the bay area because i do not know how to find out if my stores double or triple coupons
Dian says
samantha » I live in Dallas. But, you can call your stores and ask. Or you can look them up online.
I hope that helps!
Wanda says
Hi Dian
I need help starting
off. Its my first time.
Dian says
Wanda » Well, I am here to help!
Be sure to read the ebook and watch the videos and take note of any questions that you have and then ask me and I will be happy to answer!
I hope that helps!
Michaela says
Hi, I just started using Coupons as well, but it seems like a lot of them are limited for 1, 2 or 3 items each Coupon?! I’m still trying to figure them out because in Germany I don’t think we didn’t even had Coupons there, but I have to figure something out because since I moved to the states I have less Money to use, the prices are higher and the Family almost doubled lol
I would be more than happy for any advice to save more Money! 🙂
Dian says
Hi Micheala and welcome!
Yes most coupons are good for 1-3 or 4 items. I purchase 10 newspapers each week so I get 10 of each coupon, so if it is $1 off 1 item them I can buy 10 of them and use 10 coupons to get them.
I think if you read my eBook and watch my videos and then ask me any questions you have it may work better for you!
I am here all the time, so feel free to ask me anything I love to help!
susan says
I am just starting out. need all the help I can get please email
Dian says
My email is Dian@groceryshopforfree.com – feel free to email me with any questions you might have!
Lindsey Fields says
Dian, I am trying to figure out what newspaper I should subscribe to. I am a beginner at this couponing thing and don’t want to pick the wrong newspaper. How do I know which one will have the best coupons? Also, could you point me in the right direction as to what are the best places to order the coupon inserts online? Thank you!
Dian says
The best way to tell about your newspapers is to buy them and compare them over several weeks and see which one gets the best coupons.
You can use Coupon DeDe to purchase coupons, she’s been in business for years and is very reliable.
I hope that helps!
Lindsey Fields says
Thank you!
Dian says
You’re very welcome!
Lindsey Fields says
Thank you for your last response! I have another question for you. I was looking at the Walmart coupon policy. Is it true that Walmart allows customers to double or triple the coupons on a specific item? I read that Target and Kroger only allow one coupon per item per customer. Am I understanding that correctly?
Dian says
Sorry I just saw this comment.
There are a select few Walmart stores that do that in Utah (maybe one other state, too) and it was said to be a test market a few years ago, but they still double and no one else does so I am not sure how long this “test” is! lol
I hope that helps!
Misty says
I read your ebook and a bunch of the comments and I think I’m even more confused than I was before. From what I’ve read it seems that most of the couponing (until you get a good stockpile) seem to only work for weekly shoppers. I am a monthly shopper and only go to the store occasionally in between. I shop for 6 people on a 4 person budget which is very hard. Most of the items I see coupons for are things I hardly ever use and with such a large family I go through items very quickly. I have no idea where to begin. You mentioned getting papers and marking them with the date and where they came from but I don’t understand why the date. Would marking them by the expiration date be better? Also, I haven’t looked around your site a lot but what websites do you recommend for good coupons? I know I need to make the most out of what I have and that it will take me some time to stock up but I’m totally at a loss of where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Dian says
It takes a little while to build up a stockpile but, you’ll be glad you did. I rarely HAVE to go to the store anymore. I just go when I want to replenish a few items. You cwant to mark the inserts by date so that when i tell you about a deal you’ll know which insert that coupon was in, and as a whole the coupons don’t expire at the same time.
You might want to watch our FREE Coupon Classes to help you get going, too:
I hope that helps!
Ella says
I live out in the country. We have two food lions and a walmart but they never double coupons . Kroger does but that store is almost 30miles away . My question is since my coupons can not be doubled is it worth it to still use them? Thank you
Dian says
Yes, absolutely – I shop at Walmart and they don’t double coupons, but I can still get great deals and even FREE stuff and money back! You just have to use your coupons effectively by using them when the item is at its lowest price. Also, coupons are FREE money that the manufacturer is giving you to buy their product. So even if it’s just a quarter – would you throw a quarter in the trash? When you change the way you think about coupons it makes it all different.
I hope that helps!
brenda says
I live in a small town, where we have only a Aldi’s, Walmart, Kroger & Ruler’s ( a cheaper dry good store, owned by Kroger). I do not have access to Mejeir, Target, Red Plum, Smart Source within 50 miles. Is coupon shopping worth it given these facts. Thanks!!!
Dian says
Yes, it’s definitely worth it. You can get good deals at all of the stores you have.
You’d be surprised how much you can save!
brenda says
I am having a problem with the price book. I counted a 168 items I buy at the grocery store and pharmacy. Surely I don’t have to go to the store for 12 weeks to and find prices for every item to find the rock bottom price. Please help. Spent three hours going through sales ads and am brain dead. Thanks
Dian says
Use it to get the prices on the things you buy normally. After you set up your price book, then when you are at the store shopping just jot down in your book what the product price is. No need for special trips. Soon you’ll see the trend on your favorite items and you’ll know what their rock bottom prices are. Don’t get frustrated, just do it as you go. Don’t stress yourself out, sometimes we make it harder than it is. You’ll be a pro in no time.
I hope that helps!
Jennifer Antos says
On Fry’s coupon policies it says they won’t take coupons over 75% of the product value so how do you get items for free then? I am very lost on all of this. Thanks for your help.
Dian says
Does it say printable coupons? My store says that but for printable coupons, not regular ones.
Dailea says
dear dian,
I am new to couponing and although your blog is very well written I am still a bit fuzzy on how to get amazing deals. I am usually always shopping at Giant due to the gas rewards, and you do not have a sale match-up for it. Please don’t get me wrong I think your blog is awesome. But do you think you could help me understand a little better. thank you.
Dian says
I have added Giant Food Stores for you. You can find them here:
Also, this might help:
I have a FREE eBook that explains:
I have FREE Videos that explain, too:
I also have a How To Coupon Section:
As well as a Couponing Question & Answers section:
How To Read A Coupon Matchup:
I am also always around to help! Feel free to email me and ask me anything:
Kisa says
This is awesome. Can’t wait to get started. Thanks for sharing all this information. May God richly bless you and your family for your kindness.
Dian says
Thanks so much for the kind words!
wendy podulke says
i would really love to learn couponing
Dian says
This can help you get started:
I have a FREE eBook that explains:
I have FREE Videos that explain, too:
I also have a How To Coupon Section:
As well as a Couponing Question & Answers section:
How To Read A Coupon Matchup:
I am also always around to help! Feel free to email me and ask me anything:
charleane johnsons says
Ok i started couponing 3 months ago. I love getting deal i have only had 1 transaction that was 100% free and that was on my daughters cold medicane. I have been doing 60% to 80% savings. The stores where i live do nt doudle coupons or triple is there any other way that i could save more. I have pictures of my orders. Please help mother of 3 p,us taking care of 2 house holds. Thatnk you charleane
Dian says
Are you using the mobile apps to help, too?
Also, If you go to my site: groceryshopforfree.com and look on the right hand side (you may need to scroll down a tat) you’ll see “Search For Deals” if you enter the brand you are looking for or an item, like Milk or like Borden Milk (either way) it will show you where that item is on sale and what coupons you can use to get the best deals.
I hope that helps!
misty mcfarlen says
How do I do this if I don’t have a printer or a Sunday news paper?
Dian says
You’ll need to write to companies and ask them to mail them to you, or you can ask friends and family for their paper, or you can get them from magazines, or you can buy them from a clipping service.
I hope that helps,
Thank You I am one parent household with two children and a grandchild…. Having very heard time just trying to feed my family… I hope i can do this Thank you so much and God Bless you
Dian says
You’re very welcome!
Connie says
Wanted to let you know that I mentioned your site on my blog. Thank you for all the helpful information! Yours is a site I’ll be visiting again and again!
Dian says
Thanks so much, that was so kind!
Amanda says
I live in Florida non of our stores do double or triple on coupons.
Dian says
Yes there are only a few that do anymore :/ But, there’s still plenty of great deals and FREEbies all the time!