Well, is the face of couponing as we know it going to change forever because of the Extreme Couponing show?
I read that there will be 12 more episodes of the show and if they are like the first – Watch Out! Ann over at Coupons, Deals and More said in a post today that a little birdie told her that the manufacturers were MORE than upset at what they saw!
They are looking at maybe imposing MORE limits (YOOOOW!!) and making it harder for us, because of the show and the behavior they saw.
Now, if you didn’t see the show there are clips all over the internet you can see and get the gist of it. But, for those who did watch it – let me make something clear – stores that will allow you to come in and use that many coupons on 1 order in 1 day and purchase that many of anything are few and far between!
The stores knew ahead of time that these people were coming, they were prepared and ready for the show. However, the manufacturers, it doesn’t sound like, were contacted, prepared, or ready!
I guess I missed the part of the show where they talked about Catalinas – but that is one of the issues apparently. Catalinas are the coupons that print out of the machine next to the cash register. Well, apparently one of the shoppers used his trip to buy things that would trigger many, many Catalinas that were money off on his next trip. Translation? He got paid to shop for those, smart, but the manufacturers didn’t see it that way. They really don’t want to pay people that kind of money to shop.
So, does one bad apple spoil the whole bunch? We will see – I am with Ann, she says:
Stay tuned, this is going to be a bumpy coupon ride in 2011 as manufacturers, retailers and customers collide, adjust and readjust to the Wonderful World of Couponing. We will see what, if any, of the discussed changes will be implemented.
I’m sure we will revisit this topic more than a few times over the year!

Laca Pereau says
I watched the show and although it is the reason we started couponing. I to thought most of the ppl stockpiled to a sad and almost hoarding amount. We buy things that we need and will use up within a few months……. I hope the show doesn’t ruin it for everyone!
Dian says
@Laca Pereau: Me too! My wish is that they would teach how to coupon shop not over do and go for the extreme ratings thing!
sheila says
This development is freaking me out… these few are going to ruin it for those of us who depend on couponing to feed our families! As a disabled single mother on food stamps, this is a big fat deal!
Dian says
@sheila: Yep, it’s a big fat deal alright!
We will have to see how it plays out!
Shannon W. says
I’m not sure the impact this will make. Manufacturers do have the means to keep track of the coupons that are used. Do you really think they don’t know that their coupons are being used? They know they are being used. They can even keep track of how many at each store are being used. I can agree on a limit to an extent anyway. People that shop like the ones on that show take away from so many others who could actually use some of those items but can’t get them because the stores are sold out.
Dian says
@Shannon W.: That’s true enough.
cynthia B says
we all like to find a good deal but why would you want 50 boxes of pasta or 700 tooth brushed or was it more . 500 stick of deodorant. all those salad dressing will go bad before they use them . and the past will get those bugs in them, guess they like the extra protein from the bugs (yuck)
Dian says
Well, my only hope is they are donating and that just didn’t make it in the show!
Susie Payton says
I always wondered where the coupons go for processing. A CVS manager told me his were sent in bulk to Mexico where a processing house paid by the pound to take them off his hands. When I think of all the times the coupons had to be handled from start to finish, I thought this was a reasonable way to process them. Maybe the show will show us how the manufacturers are billed from that. I really would like to know all of it. I try to find out every single detail about everything. Maybe you could call me a knowledge hoarder.
Have fun couponing ladies, I have already seen many changes in 2011 at my CVS. The machines aren’t spitting out any $ off $$ lately and very few ECB deals. January, surprising to me has been a dud. It’s b/c of the abuse some couponers will risk to get a good deal.
Dian says
Well, I doubt any changes have been made yet from the backlash of the show. But, who knows how it will affect us going forward – especially as the new episodes begin to air!
barbara says
I knew when I started watching that it was going to be bad. I had people at the walmart which I hate to use coupons at. Was very rude about it they said you must have watched that show and are trying to get free stuff just because they was behind me and getting ill. I Didn’t buy anything that I dont use and not even more than 3 of some things. I just think some people go way over board.
Dian says
Honestly – why are people at Walmart of all places looking down their noses at anyone?
Anyway, people who don’t understand couponing – just don’t get it, shake it off and move on.
Sorry that happened to you, though it makes you feel yuck!
leah says
AGREE– it is scary when this is how you feed your family…not hoard.
Dian says
Right! That’s the scary thing!
Ann says
I saw this episode, the first one I’ve seen, and this lady was more like a hoarder to me. I mean, to spend that much time couponing so you can hoard 200 boxes of pasta is sick. My husband, however, thought she was a genius! But honestly, I actually stopped couponing (for the most part) when I saw how much time it was eating out of my day. If that lady replaced the time spent on couponing with working she’d probably end up more ahead than she is now. I agree for a single mom or people on food stamps, this can be time well spent. Maybe she should get together with the family that has 19 kids! haha!
Dian says
What I don’t think alot of people understand is that manufacturers send out money – in the form of coupons – in your paper and mail every week! How often do you forget to spend that money when you are shopping.
So many people look at it all wrong – it’s money! The manufacturers and stores are printing store money!
It’s like not using a Walmart gift card at Walmart to pay for anything, and letting it expire!
Once you have a system, it doesn’t take much time at all – time in front of the tv – that’s all it takes.
Men always love the money saving aspect of coupons! The family with 19 kids does coupon, too! lol
Carolyn says
Times are hard these days, and any amount of money that can be saved is a blessing. I use coupons, but since there are only three people in my household I don’t need to stockpile to the extreme. Yes, it’s a thrill to get items for free or almost free, but at the same time, I try to use common sense. Do I really need 14 bottles of ketchup or 8 jars of peanut butter? Let others have a chance to cash in on the savings.
Dian says
@Carolyn: Well, in couponing and stockpiling, you need to get as many as it takes you to get to the next sale. That is the point of stockpiling – not to see how many you can possibly get.
Now, I get more than I can use before the next sale – but I do that to give it away – not to look up in a basement.
Carolyn says
I do agree with you…I try to keep as many on hand so that I’m not stuck without before the next sale and I donate some also. I
Dian says
@Carolyn: 🙂
Marianne Handlir says
I was in shock with this show! We are a one income family and I rarely profit from shopping, but I Do get our familyu’s bill down 50% or more.
Unfortunately, my husband watched this showand he now EXPECTS the same from me!!!! When I told him the rules of our local stores and the time, etc. he said he wanted to seethe results! I had to defend what I do to my husband because of these HOARDERS, ADDICTED PEOPLE!!!! That is what they are!
Maybe a campaign to the producers would be a thought. There are enough real couponers networked that we could take a stand???
Dian says
@Marianne Handlir: You can explain to your husband that these were all set up scenarios by the show. The stores were called and they knew these people were coming and they probably lifted limits due to the show. Originally the show wasn’t about being extreme – they changed it after they got started – that is probably why Joyce – the only one shown without HUGE results was still in the show – she was from the original concept.
It isn’t realistic to expect these results all the time.
You sound like you are doing a great job cutting your bill down!
Orlevia says
We currently have been struggling to by food. According to state regulations we make to much income to apply for food stamps. I did enjoy watching extreme couponing, and was looking forward to just saving some money on items I (we)currently use. Hope the show doesn’t ruin it since I am just starting to do a lot of cooupons