Fisher-Price See ‘n Say The Farmer Says Toy Just $11.90! (reg. $15)

Head over to Amazon to order a Fisher-Price See ‘n Say The Farmer Says Toy Just $11.90! (reg. $15). Get FREE shipping on orders of $35+ or if you have Prime!
This classic learning toy is better than ever! Shaped like a barn, it teaches kids fun facts about 16 different animals. To start the learning fun, just select a page and then turn the arrow to select an animal and pull the lever to hear the Farmer speak. There is also a quiz mode for more learning fun. It’s a great way to learn words and animals, too! Plays “Old MacDonald” and “Farmer in the Dell” melodies!
Click here for more great info!
The price(s) listed here was the current price(s) at the time this post went live. Prices at Amazon change quickly. So, always know that when you go to Amazon, you will need to check the price before you purchase.

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