FREE Entenmann’s Little Bites Giveaway!
Today is Earth Day, and in honor of that, Entenmann’s is offering a fun giveaway for our readers! You can enter to win an Earth Day Prize Package containing 4 FREE Little Bites Coupons and an upcycled Little Bites Tote bag!
My daughter (Cady) LOVES these muffins, and I do, too! We eat them every day for breakfast because they’re such a quick and easy way to eat in the car, which always happens on school days! There are four muffins in each package, so it’s the perfect meal for my little one who’s not a big fan of eating. She gets food into her system but she feels like she’s not eating a lot. It’s a win-win!
To enter the giveaway, leave a comment letting us know your favorite flavor of Entenmann’s Little Bites. The winner will be drawn at random.
Other Stuff:
- There will be 1 winner!
- This giveaway will end Saturday, March 25th, 2015 at 11:59 pm Central time and the winner will be emailed soon thereafter. Make sure you add to your address book, so you get the email if you win!
- If the winner does not respond to my email within 24 hours then another winner will be chosen.
- Open to continental U.S. Residents only.
- Must 18 or over to enter.
- Winners will be chosen by And The Winner Is… plugin.
Here are some Earth Day facts from Entenmann’s:
- Trees help clean the air! They improve the quality of the air we breathe by capturing dust and pollution particles that can affect our health.
- These particles cling to the leaves rather than float in the air. When it rains, the dust and particles are simply washed to the ground.
- Global forests removed about one third of fossil fuel emissions annually from 1990 to 2007.
- Trees help fight climate change. As trees grow, they remove greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide from the air, store carbon, and release pure oxygen into the atmosphere.
- In one year an acre of mature trees absorbs the amount of CO2 produced by a car driven 26,000 miles.
- One large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people.
- More than 20% of the world’s oxygen supply is actually produced in the Amazon Rainforest.
- Trees planted along waterways can help filter out chemicals that might otherwise wash to our water sources. They also can create stable soil and help prevent soil erosion, flooding and even landslides!
- In 1997 NYC spent $1.5 billion to preserve the forested watershed that supplies it’s drinking water by purchasing thousands of upstate acres of forested watershed (A filtration plant large enough to clean the city’s water supply would have cost more than $6 billion!)
- Today, New Yorkers enjoy some of the cleanest drinking water in the world and NYC has even won regional water taste competitions.
- Trees properly planted around a home can help lower air conditioning and heating costs by up to 25%!
- Carefully placed shade trees — planted to the west, east or northwest of a house — can save that household’s energy needs for cooling during the warm weather months. (The overall cooing effect of a healthy, mature tree is equivalent to TEN room-sized air conditioners operating 20 hours a day!)
- When these trees loose their leaves in the winter, they also allow the sun to reach and warm the house, saving energy for heating as well.
- Evergreen trees planted to the north or northwest can serve as ‘windbreaks’ and help reduce cold winter winds, blowing snow, dust and even block out noise! This all means less burning of fossil fuels, which is good for the environment.
Do you do anything to celebrate Earth Day?

Ashley says
I love the chocolate chip muffins
Mami2jcn says
I love the blueberry muffins!
Candice says
I love the Little Bites Crumb Cakes. They are delicious. Happy Earth Day!
Elizabeth Congrove says
I love all Entenmann’s, but my favorite is the chocolate chip. That could change of course because I just heard they have a cinnamon one! I am so excited to try!
Kathleen says
Little Bites Check collate Chip Muffins!
Lauren says
I like the chocolate chip flavor.