Pumpkin Recipes
My good friend Amanda was sweet enough to help me while I am away at Bloggy Bootcamp – she has written a great guest post for you sharing some fall recipes! Thanks, Amanda!!
With Fall in the air I love baking with Pumpkin! Ever since I was little Pumpkin pie has been one of my favorites. Now that I am grown, I love to try pumpkin in all sorts of baked goods. Not only do they taste fabulous, but they make the house smell out of this world. So, grab a can of pumpkin or two and try these delicious Pumpkin recipes.
![DSCN2280-300x225[1] DSCN2280-300x225[1]](http://afewshortcuts.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DSCN2280300x2251_thumb.jpg)
![DSCN1919-300x225[1] DSCN1919-300x225[1]](http://afewshortcuts.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DSCN1919300x2251_thumb.jpg)
If you are looking for more great Fall recipes just head over to A Few Short Cuts!
Amanda writes over at A Few Short Cuts where she covers not only coupons and deals, but posts Recipes to match the weekly sale & holidays. Her recipes also include some Gluten Free and Dairy free choices.

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