My Friday Fail this week is so pathetic!
Last year, I decided to make some changes, I planned it many months in advance and finally the time rolled around, February. I cut all my hair off, and changed the color.
My plan was simple and good. I planned to mail my hair to Locks of Love. I researched it, made sure I had the right amount, had it cut off in a pony tail, left the salon with it and brought it home.
It sat on my bathroom counter for months. Then I moved it to my desk and placed it in a plastic bag, where I would remember to get it in the mail. I didn’t.
It was on my desk for 4-5 months more! Then 2 weeks ago I got inspired and put it in an envelope and actually addressed it!
Still it’s on my desk in the plastic bag, in the addressed envelope! Hopefully this post will shame me into FINALLY mailing it, and I hope it hasn’t lost its “shelf life”, either!
You can read more Friday Fails by clicking the button below:
Do you have a Friday Fail, c’mon now don’t leave me hanging out her all alone, I know someone else has a story. Comment below and let us know!

Betty says
I would not have told that!!
Dian says
Thanks, Mom!
lol I was just being honest, maybe now, I’ll actually get it in the mail!
I Love you!
.-= Dian´s last blog ..Haircut – Friday Fail! =-.
Veronica says
Oh My Goodness, Dian! You would not believe this. I have done the exact same thing! You’re probably thinking, no way! …..but seriously. I’ll have to send you a picture of my hair still in it’s bag. My aunt was diagnosed with cancer about a year or so ago, and her hair fell out with the chemo, and she was going to get a wig. Before she got the wig, she went into remission and her own hair was beginning to grow back. She no longer wanted to get the wig. That is what inspired me to cut my hair and send it to Locks of Love, which now you know, I have not sent either. My excuse is……..I have six kids and a husband and house to take care of, which makes me forgetful, scatterbrained, crazy (whatever you want to call it!) But seriously, I should get mine mailed off too. It is for a good cause.
Dian says
Now we have to hold each other accountable to do it! lol
Thanks for being right there with me!
Myra @ My Blessed Life says
Oh my word! That’s hilarious! You know, I have the worst time getting things mailed out. I never mail in rebates and we did well to just get the census mailed in.
Thanks for linking up to Friday Fails!
.-= Myra @ My Blessed Life´s last blog ..Friday Fails – Sunburns & SUVs =-.
Dian says
I am just that way! My husband did the Census and got it mailed in. I forget to mail in rebates as well! Here’s hoping we both get better at it!