Hancock Fabrics Coupons And Sale!
Right now you can get tons of savings PLUS coupons at Hancock Fabrics!
They are having an April Showers Savings sale PLUS coupons! Here’s the scoop:
You can get $5 off your entire purchase of $30 or more, just use code: AYHTH at checkout online.
You can get $10 off your entire purchase of $50 or more, just use code: AYFTN at checkout online.
You can get an ADDITIONAL 15% off your entire purchase when you use code: AYWFT at checkout online.
To print your coupons to use in-store click here.
You can also get 50% off any regular priced fabric! Use code: WYHFY or print your coupon to use in-store. offer good thru 4/29/15
Offer good thru 4/13/15
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