Hohner Bluesband Harmonica, Key of G, Only $5.31!
Give the gift of music! Head over to Amazon and order this highly rated Hohner Bluesband Harmonica, Key of G, for Only $5.31! Ships FREE on orders of $35+ or if you have Prime!
This economical 10-hole harmonica for all ages is a plastic body model designed for beginner level players in the rhythm & blues style. Diatonic, single reed harmonicas feature reeds tuned to produce the natural notes of the musical scale-without any additional sharps & flats (a diatonic instrument). They are ten-hole instruments with the four middle holes comprising a complete eight-note octave-the holes on either side permit chord playing. They are capable of producing bending & overblowing, which will allow the player to achieve sharps and flats!
Click here for more great info!
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