Loryss, a Grocery Shop For FREE reader, has recently started couponing and she mailed in her stockpile pictures!
It doesn’t take long to get a good stockpile started and you can find all kinds of places to store your stockpile – even in small homes!
Loryss works full time at a Pregnancy Crisis Center.
“…and I am the Director for the parenting classes. This program focus in helping them make better choice, find jobs, nutrition among other subjects and every year I collect food items to help them have a happy Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. So as you see that is the reason I am collecting as much as can and that is the reason I collect as many coupons as I can.”
I love to see your stockpile and shopping trip s and I love to hear your stories – where you keep your stockpiles, who you donate the excess to, how you do on your shopping trips!
Keep sending in your pics and your stories, I love to share them, too!
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