Note: The following info has become obsolete, as the manufacturers have instituted a new barcode that is completely different from what is described below. For more on the new barcode you can read this:
Ok, so you’ve used the coupons for a while and are getting pretty comfortable with, so I think now is the time to add more info! So, here is my next video on what the numbers on the barcodes mean and how they can help you coupon shop!
Use this coupon to follow along.
Click here to see the value code chart that I mention in the video.
Jenny says
I learned a lot watching your barcode video. Do you have a breakdown of the bar codes that tell you exactly which product you can buy or if it is a specific item. I hope my question makes sense.
I am happily learning ways to save.
Thank you,
Dian says
I don’t think I understand the question, sorry! But, is this what you are looking for?:
Bridget Gonzalez says
I am traveling to North Carolina for the Labor Day holiday. I would like to take advantage that wll be in a state that will double coupons unlike in Florida(Orlando) which is the state that I reside in. Where would be the best places to food shop and if there is anything I should know before shopping out of state. Which website are easy to use to collect coupons?
Thank you,
The Apprentice Couponer
Dian says
Bridget Gonzalez » What city will you be in? I can help if I know what area you will be in.