T is back with a super fun DIY project this time: How To Create Medals For Kids!
How To Create Medals For Kids
This week’s craft is really fun, and both children and adults will be able to do their own thing and enjoy it at the same time.
- Paper
- Printed photo or favorite scrapbook paper
- Paper glaze
- Scissors
- Ribbon
There you have it! You can create medals for any occasion and have them handy.
If they have a great day in school – Medal! If they do a good job on chores – Medal! If they help around the house without being asked – MEDALS! lol
You get the gist!
Tamona helps people find legitimate work at home. Along with helping people find work at home, Tamona also loves to share her passion for couponing, crafts, and all things overweight with everyone she meets.
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