My Friend, Tamona and I have come up with a brilliant plan!
Y’all know I don’t cook much and that’s why Susan does my Tuesdays Tasty Tidbits. Well, so I thought about adding crafts, too – but, the only thing is I don’t craft, either!
You might be, at this point, asking what do I do?! lol I find deals for y’all!! That’s what I do!
So, anyway…Tamona is going to do Make Something Mondays for us here!
Let me begin by apologizing for being so late with this week’s Make Something Monday. I was trying for a special holiday edition to Make Something Mondays. I am giving you tons of party planning advice so make sure you have plenty of time to listen to all I have to say. I begin by discussing ways to bring kids into the party planning and table setting fun. I discuss all kinds of holiday event planning tips that include, but are not limited to, table setting tips, creating a nice table scape, the illusion of ice, and even more
If you have a post about something you created or a picture that you want to share, please place your link below.
Tamona is the author of Tamona’s Tips, a humorous website that helps people find legitimate work at home. Along with helping people find work at home , Tamona also blogs about her passion for couponing , crafts , and all things overweight . There is never a dull moment on Tamona’s Tips.
Link Your Crafts Up Below! Make sure to go to Tamona’s Tips and link up there, too!

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