My Little Pony Chutes And Ladders Game Just $15 Down From $30!
Here’s a fun Amazon deal! My Little Pony Chutes And Ladders Game is just $15 down from $30! Get yours now while it lasts!
- High quality toys for children all ages
- Made using safe materials
- Tested for quality and durability
- Classic game challenges you to scramble to the top of the gameboard without slip-sliding down
- Game features your favorite My Little Pony characters
- Chutes, ladders and rainbows
- Includes gameboard, 3 My Little Pony pawns, spinner with arrow, 3 rainbows, 3 Cloud Bases, 1 Gem Coin, rainbow label sheet and instructions
Click here for more great info!
The price(s) listed here was the current price(s) at the time this post went live. Prices at Amazon change quickly. So, always know that when you go to Amazon, you will need to check the price before you purchase.
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