Sea Life Underwater Easter Egg Hunt!
We very much enjoy visiting Sea Life! If you’ve never been or you are a regular visitor here’s a fun event coming up:
GRAPEVINE, TEXAS (March 17, 2014) – SEA LIFE Aquarium Grapevine invites you to come out and watch Scuba Bunny hop to the bottom of the ocean tank to hide eggs for a SEA LIFE diver to find. Kids are encouraged to help point the diver in the right direction! Scheduled dives occur at 11 a.m. on April 12, 16 and 19. Other Easter-themed activities include a special aquarium-wide scavenger hunt for eggs hidden in various tanks.
Annual pass holders are invited to bring a friend for FREE over Scuba Bunny dive dates.
Tickets: Admission is $20 for adults, $16 for children ages 3 to 12, and free for kids 2 and under. To purchase special discounted tickets visit

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