Today, I will be in Dallas all day at an Uncle Ben’s Event! I am excited about and can’t wait to come back and share with you. I will be tweeting from the event, as well. You can follow me @GroceryShopFREE.
We are going to a culinary school and will be taught about a new product and then we will cook, too! They said we will even have enough to bring home for dinner! So, wish me luck and I’ll put up pics and probably a video when I get back!
Have a great day, I know I will!

Penny =^.^= says
Lucky you!! I would love to go with you!
Dian says
@Penny =^.^=: Thanks I am excited I’ll tell y’all all about it when I get back!
Betty says
Dian says
@Betty: Well, when you move here you can go to some stuff with me!
ConsumerQueen says
Hey you are going to be 3 hours away from me LOL