Ok, so you all know I have been sick! Thank you for your patience.
But, I thought I would share with you what I learned! I should get something out of all this, huh?
Well, I apparently am recovering from the flu – holy cow, did it come out of nowhere and knock me off my feet! I went to bed on Wednesday night and woke up Friday morning! I ran a fever all day Thursday, my hubby said, he and Bear took great care of me. Poor hubby is sick now!
So, what I learned: Get A Flu Shot! Seems quite simple, huh? Well, I never have gotten on until the Dr. said I had Type II diabetes last year – which Thank God I No Longer have!
But, he made me get one last year and I didn’t get sick, I know I could have, but, I didn’t and this has got to be the worst I have felt in a long, long time!
So, I will be getting a flu shot from now on! I am NOT into taking meds or getting shots for sure – but with this being the alternative – I’m getting the shot from now on!
Also, I learned you should get it in September because it takes 2 weeks to take effect, and it lasts 6 months! Perfect!
It’s so important – I can’t stand getting my kids sick or babies being sick and all the RSV stuff that the babies struggle with – why chance getting anyone else sick, let alone yourself! Trust me I am germophobic and don’t get out much (sounds sad when you say it like that! ) – everyone is trying to figure out how I got it! lol So, if I can get it – you can get it and pass it on!
Anyway – take it from me, come September – get a flu shot! Ok, stepping off my soapbox now!
Shelly @ Coupon Teacher says
So glad you are recovering. I wasn’t hit so hard, but what I have is sticking around. Feel better quick Dian!!
Dian says
@Shelly @ Coupon Teacher: Thanks Shelly! Today i found out there’s a phase 3! Great – stomach upset – the flu that never ends! I know everyone has been getting it – #3 20 yr old son has it now, too, as well as hubby! Trying to keep #4 13 yr old son healthy!
Hope yours goes away soon, too!
Steven Fitzgerald says
Hey Dian,
You may want to update your anti-virus software! 😉
I can’t recall ever having the flu. I was in the Army for 21 years and the flu shot was absolutely mandatory. If you didn’t get the flu shot you got shot!
I had double pneumonia when I was about 12 years old and I thought I was going to die. A few years ago I got a pneumonia shot so hopefully I won’t have to go through anything like that again.
Factoids – US deaths from flu each year on average- 25,000! US deaths from pneumonia each year on average – 27,000!
This table from the CDC puts things in perspective.
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
Heart disease: 616,067
Cancer: 562,875
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706
Alzheimer’s disease: 74,632
Diabetes: 71,382
Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46,448
Septicemia: 34,828
Best thing that you can do to increase your life-span and improve your life? Visit PennyPinchersPal.com daily! 😉
Take care and hope all the family gets to feeling better soon.