If we all think a little about our own “Best House Cleaning Hacks” we can probably come up with quite a few that maybe other people didn’t know about.

10 Best House Cleaning Hacks
I was thinking of a few that I use on a regular basis to keep a tidy house:
Cleaning Supplies To Keep On Hand
- Paper towels
- Microfiber cloth
- Spray bottle
- Old toothbrush
- Glass cleaner
- Vacuum cleaner
- Dry cloth
- Toilet brush
- Antibacterial wipes
- Feather duster
Discover some of the best cleaning hacks to save time.

Let’s start with the grill:
To clean the grate on the outdoor barbecue grill, cut an onion in half and rub it on the hot grate, this is an easy way to clean and flavor the grill. (Because the grate is hot don’t use your fingers, it’s a good idea instead to use a fork, knife, or tongs)
Pouring Coca-Cola on corroded battery cables in your car is a great way to clean them so the cables work properly (sometimes it’s the only reason the car won’t start – corroded battery cables)
Use hair spray on clothing stains such as hair color and lipstick to keep them in good condition.
When I worked in a hair salon, if I spilled hair color on my clothes I just sprayed hairspray on it right away and when I threw it in the wash (hours later) it came out clean.
This is probably one of my top 3 favorite great tips and Best House Cleaning Hacks.
Remove pet or other lingering odors in a room by placing a shallow dish filled with a cup of white vinegar in the center of the room overnight.
(Not a cleaning tip, but…) The best way to repel mosquitoes is by placing a small, open container of ammonia near the area you wish to keep free of mosquitoes.
Remove pet urine from carpet: first thing soak up all you can with a towel, stepping on it and drawing it all up.
Then pour a small mound of baking soda on the stain and cover with a bowl overnight, it doesn’t need too much time .
When you lift the bowl you will see the baking soda has taken on a yellow color , that means it worked. For best results never use hot water to clean pet stains, it will set them, not remove them.
Sanitize kitchen sponges by placing them (damp) in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. They WILL be hot, so use caution when removing. I also throw them in the dishwasher.
If you have a Swiffer, you can use wash rags instead of those expensive pads. Just use an all purpose cleaner and wash rags attached to your Swiffer.
Use an over-the-door hanging shoe bag to store cleaning supplies. This works great especially if you only have a small area to store your cleaning products.
A Magic Eraser or an S-O-S pad will clean almost anything. <— These are 2 of my favorite and Best House Cleaning Hacks, I use them on a daily basis. I buy the “Magic Erasers” online for less – I get more and they last a while there a great sponge to use for your entire house – I don’t buy the store brand, here’s what I buy: Magic Cleaning Sponges <— click here to check them out.
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Deep Cleaning List
- Garbage disposal
- Shower head
- Shower curtains
- Glass shower doors
- Kitchen counters
- Ceiling fans
- Stainless steel appliances
- Fan blades
- Window sills
- Clean windows
- Kitchen sink
- Small appliance
- Light fixtures
- Toilet bowl
- Washing machine
What are your Best House Cleaning Hacks that you can share with us?

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