Candice is at it again!
Hi, its me Candice again!!
I went to my Target again tonight and got some awesome deals!!
1 Tag Junior (clearance for $22.51)
2 Tag Junior books
4 Olay face wash
2 Olay toners
4 John Frieda brunette and blonde
4 Huggies wipes
3 Huggies packs of diapers
2 Glade candles
1 Kandoo
2 Nail Art
8 Listerine Whitening
1 big Listerine
1 2-n-1 Toilet bowl cleaner
1 Toilet gel cleaner
4 Old Spice Body washes (not pictured gave away before i left the store)
4 Old Spice Deo’s (not pictured gave away before i left the store)
2 Scrubbing Bubbles power sprayers
2 SB refills
and of course a partridge in a pear tree
I believe that was a savings of $284.87
Candice has quickly become our Target Coupon Shopping Diva!!
Great job Candice! Thanks for sharing!

Penny =^.^= says
I just wanted to say great job and I am gald to see that you give it away too. I love to get these bargains and share my freebies with others. God bless you!! Was it someone you knew or just gave it to a friend, coworker??
candice says
Yes I gave some too ARMY soilders and too one of coworkers and GSTL. 🙂 Thanks Alot! Dian already knows but Its all thanks too DIAN!! I first saw her on youtube! and thats the first time i ever thought about coupons.
Dian says
And you have taken it and run with it! Great Job!
.-= Dian´s last blog ..Candice Did It Again At Target! =-.
Ann says
Wonderful job!
Say, could you sneak me out some of those 10% off saving passes? 😉
Jme (lol) says
Hey Dian or Candace,
What coupons were used to make this such a great deal. I would appreciate it cause I am getting ready to go to Target soon. lol like today.
Candice says
I used all the coupons that Dian has talked about and also on