Since we are talking about weight loss…if you missed it, check out the Weigh Down Giveaway post I wrote yesterday. Since I have been laid up, I have been watching too much tv, but, I have also discovered: I LOVE Dr. Oz! The Dr. and the show. He explains things very well and simply, I think. The first time I saw him was on the Joy Behar Show, I had never seen the show I was just flipping thru the channels. He was so full of information on weight loss and was talking so fast, I started taking notes! I had to rewind a couple of times, but, I thoroughly enjoyed it! So, again, since we are talking about weight loss, I thought I would share my notes with you.
Belly fat is called Omentum and it squeezes your kidneys which causes high blood pressure, it poisons your liver and causes high cholesterol, it also blocks insulin causing diabetes. All of that is caused by belly fat! Maybe all of you knew that stuff, but, it was new revelation for me!
Detox the fridge, remove all saturated fats. Saturated fats are solid in the fridge and more liquid at room temp then unsaturated. Remove all white food – white bread, white sugar, white flour, pasta. He said high fructose corn syrup is poison to the liver. My husband noticed the other day that at Jason’s Deli they had signs up saying they had removed all high fructose corn syrup from the menu with the exception of the drinks.
Dr. Oz said the entire obesity epidemic is about 100 calories a day too much! That’s all 100 calories! That’s like 1 soda a day. To lose weight shave off 100 calories a day. You would be SHOCKED at how little over weight you have to be to be considered obese! I thought for sure it was like 500 lbs or more…nope! Check out my friend Tamona’s post on that subject – a real eye opener!
Coffee is the #1 source of antioxidants in America – it is a real food. I was so excited when I told my husband that! He is always wanting me to quit drinking coffee. Now I just have to get rid of the sugar in my coffee, tough! Although he said agave is sweeter than sugar and it’s all natural, so I want to try it.
He wrote a new book and all of this is supposed to be in the book, plus more of course, the book, which I have not read, is called: The Owner’s Manual For Waist Management.
So, that is the sum of my weight loss notes that I took from Dr. Oz. I hope it helps! I know it gave me some things to work on for sure.
Read all about my journey and how I lost over 100 lbs.

Penny says
How can I contact you! I can’t seem to find your email address anywhere.
Dian says
All those little pictures on the upper right side of the page – in one of those there is a blue pic of an envelope, that is an email button.
.-= Dian´s last blog ..Dr. Oz And Weight Loss! =-.
Tamona says
I love love love Dr. Oz! We would all do great to have a doctor like him. I could use one for my kids if nothing else. I was blown away to find that my ideal weight would still make me obese. I am beginning to think these charts are full of it! I like Dr. Oz because he tells you the safety in assuring your waist be half your height. It is so much better to know the truth rather than what someone thinks you should weigh. How unrealistic are those numbers? Its ridiculous. How can they make such a blanket statement about people who all have different body types? It just ain’t fair lol!
.-= Tamona´s last blog ..The Tamona Times =-.
Dian says
lol! My sons tried out my new Wii Fit I got on Christmas Day, my sons are stick figures! When my oldest son got on the balance board it said he was overweight and said he didn’t have good balance and asked if he tripped alot when he walked! He is 24, runs a warehouse and is very body and fit conscious! He said “How can it determine how much muscle I have as opposed to fat?” All that to say that your point about the numbers being unrealistic is true – to an extent anyway!
Susan says
Research Agave… it is not the healthy substitution you have been told it is.