Printable Lunch Box Notes For Kids
Lunch box notes for kids is a great way to let your kids know that you’re thinking about them even when you’re apart. It can brighten their day, or turn it around if it’s been a rough one! Just remembering they are loved in the middle of the day can turn their day around! Slipping them into their box gives them encouragement and can make them smile!
Letting them know you’re missing them and thinking about them can also add to their self esteem over time, so don’t think this is a frivolous thing. It can really reinforce you’re being proud of them and that they are on your mind even when you aren’t together.
It only takes a few minutes to print out these notes for kids, cut them, and drop them in. Just keep them handing when you’re packing their food, and slip one right in there before you close it up!
Free Printables!
Here are 24 printable notes that are designed to show your child some love! Download the files, print them, cut them apart, and slip them to your kid’s lunch! Something this simple can change their day and make memories!
You can lay them on top, stick ‘em with tape, or tie them to one of the items to make sure they see them.
You also don’t need to put them in a lunch box. These notes are great for folders, backpacks, or books, too!
Which of these notes is your favorite? We hope these lunch box notes for kids, will bring a smile to yours and their face 🙂

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