If you’re a tea lover, you know how satisfying it is to enjoy a warm cup of tea.
But did you know that used tea bags have many uses beyond just brewing tea?
Instead of tossing them in the trash, try repurposing them around your home. Today, we’ll explore some of the most useful ways to reuse tea bags.

Creative Ways to Reuse Tea Bags Around Your Home
I love to find new uses and different ways to use everyday things we use around the house. We have an overabundance of used tea bags around our house. From chamomile tea to jasmine tea bags to black tea bags from dinner.
By that, I mean we’re tea lovers, and we drink tea every day and throw away a lot of tea bags – not that we have used tea bags stacking up around our house! lol
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I was browsing online one day and noticed there were a lot of articles on how to reuse everyday things, so I started thinking about what we use every day, and tea bags came to mind, as did coffee filters!
That led to me writing this post. I have found many uses for leftover tea bags you might want to try! I found everything from treating puffy eyes and sunburn to removing odors!
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Be sure to pin this and save it for later – you never know when you’ll need it!
Here are some others you might find interesting, too:

Remove Warts
Soak old tea bags in hot water, and apply the warm tea bag to wart 10 minutes 3-4 times a day. You should see results in 2-3 days. This hack also works for canker sores.
Make Natural Dye
Tea bags can be used to create natural dye for fabrics. Simply boil used tea bags in a pot of water, then remove the bags and soak your fabric in the mixture.
Add Flavor to Cooking Tea
Tea bags can add unique flavors to your cooking. You can use tea bags to infuse flavor into soups, stews, and even rice dishes.
Reduce Puffy Eyes
Tea bags are great for reducing puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.
Soak tea bags (green tea bags work the best) in a small bowl of ice water, then apply cool damp tea bags to closed eyes as a compress.
Leave on for 20 minutes. This hack also works for dark circles. This works because the caffeine in tea causes the blood vessels around your eyes to reduce inflammation.

Take The Sting Out Of A Sunburn
Tea bags are very effective for reducing inflammation and soothing sunburned skin. Place cooled tea bags on your skin for 10-15 minutes to relieve discomfort.
Apply used wet tea bags directly to burn, or add a few tea bags to bath water for an antioxidant bath and soak for an overall sunburn.
Create Homemade Potpourri
Tea bags can be used to create a fragrant and natural potpourri. Simply dry out used tea bags, then place them in a bowl with other fragrant ingredients like dried flowers or herbs.
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Soothe Razor Burn
Apply wet old teabags to affected areas to soothe the burn and irritated skin. It also works for knicks and a minor cut.
Make a Relaxing Bath
Tea bags can be used to create a soothing and relaxing bath. Simply add several used tea bags to your bathwater to create a natural and fragrant soak. The midwives used something like this after each of my babies and it was the most soothing and relaxing bath ever
Ease Itch Of Insect Bites
Apply used tea bags to bug bites from garden pests to soothe the itch and affected area.

Removes Odors
Tea bags are effective in absorbing odors. Place used tea bags in your shoes, gym bags, and other small spaces to keep them smelling fresh. You can also use tea bags to clean surfaces around your home.
It’s most commonly used in the back of the fridge to get rid of any odor. Peppermint tea bags work best for this.
After chopping onions, wash your hands in fragrant tea to remove the odor from your hands. You can also use moist tea bags as air fresheners for bad smells.
Polish Your Furniture
Tea bags can be used to clean and polish your furniture. Simply brew a strong pot of tea, then use a cloth to apply it to your furniture.
Fertilize Your Plants
Used tea bags are rich in nutrients that can be used to fertilize your plants. Simply cut open the tea bags and sprinkle the leaves around the base of your plants.
I also throw them in my compost.
Other uses included:
- To make a glass cleaner to clean glass surfaces, you can make weak tea water, add it to a spray bottle, and use a clean cloth.
- To clean wood surfaces and hardwood floors, you can add black tea bags to water and then clean with a rag.
- bin tea bags are a great nitrogen-rich component for your compost bin.
Other Uses For Everyday Things
Here are some other uses for things you probably have in your house now and use everyday.
You might also be interested in this popular post as well about twenty mule team borax uses! Check it out!
As you can see, there are many ways to reuse tea bags other than to make tea. From soothing tired eyes to creating homemade potpourri, tea bags are a versatile and useful household item.
So, the next time you brew a cup or pitcher of tea, don’t toss out the used tea bag – instead, try repurposing it in one of these creative ways.

Lisa @ The Wellness Wife says
Great tips! I drink A LOT of tea. This is a great way to use the leftover leaves! Thanks!
Dian says
You’re very welcome!
margaret minor says
If you have a Thermos that needs to be deodorized fill it with water and a teabag.Let it sit for awhile. Helps get rid of the “stinky”.
Dian says
Margaret – that’s a great tip!
Judi Paulus says
Hot compress made with a teabag is good for a STI. It wall drawing out and make it better within a day.
Dian says
What a great tip!
Thanks for sharing!