This page is dedicated to all of the Coupon “Lingo” you might see here or in other places online when referring to coupons and things having to do with couponing.

AR: After the rebate, the cost of an item after you receive your rebate.
Blinky(ies): A coupon found in a box on the shelf next to an item with a blinking light. Once you remove the coupon it “spits” out another.
BOGO: Buy One Get One
B1G1: Buy 1 Get 1 FREE!!
BTFE: Box Tops For Education Go here for more info on these.
Catalina: A machine next to the cash register that dispenses coupons after your cash register receipt prints.
CRT: Cash Register Tape
DH: Darling Husband
DND: Do Not Double, Sometimes found on specific manufacturer coupons.
ECB: Extra Care Bucks, CVS Pharmacy Buyer Rewards Program. Learn more here.
You might also like: Maximizing Your Savings: How to Combine Coupons and Sales for the Best Deals

FAR: FREE After Rebate, meaning this item will be FREE after you get your rebate.
IP: Internet Printed or Internet Printable
K Or KB: Kellogg’s Sunday Newspaper Insert
MIR: Mail-In Rebate
NAZ: Name Address and Zip Code
NED: No Expiration Date
OOP: Out Of Pocket, meaning the actual cash you will pay after any discounts or coupons you redeem.
OOS: Out Of Stock
P&G: Proctor & Gamble Company, or Proctor & Gamble Sunday Newspaper Insert
Peelie: Coupons on the actual product you purchase that you “peel” off.
POP: Proof of Purchase
PP: Purchase Price
Q: Coupon
RC: Rain Check
RP: Red Plum – Sunday Newspaper Insert
RR: Register Reward – Walgreen’s name for Catalina’s
SMP: Specially Marked Package
SS: Smart Source – Sunday Newspaper Insert
TMF: Try Me FREE, some products have a mail-in rebate that refunds the money you spent to purchase an item, so you can “Try It Out”.
V: Valassis also known as Red Plum (see above)
WYB: When You Buy
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary, meaning you may or may not get the same results at a store in your area.

If you come across any more or think we should add something, just email us and we will continue to update the list! This will get you going for now though!

Tammy Hall says
what is “Q’s”? You say after Q’s with all your abbreviations.
Tammy Hall says
Oh and I love your site!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome! We have had serious medical issues, both my husband and I whee our income has bee affected and this is helpin us immensely!!!!!! Thank You!
what does I P stand for?
Dian says
@SHAWNA: Thanks for asking! I added it!
Thanks again,
Kristin says
What does IVC mean? Thanks for you help and all the hard work you put into this site. Sites like this mean alot to my budget.
Dian says
@Kristin: Oh I need to add that! Instant value coupon….they are in the sales flyer