Prices seem to be going higher by the minute, but there are always surefire ways to save. Even though we don’t talk a lot about coupons anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t still valuable. When you find a great sale and apply a coupon to it – you can make magic happen – lol.
Coupons and sales are some of the best ways to get the best deals and make shopping more fun, too.

Maximizing Your Savings: How to Combine Coupons and Sales for the Best Deals
Using coupons with a good discount or sale means you can save a bundle on pretty much anything. When you find a good deal at the grocery store with coupons and a sale – THAT’S when you stock up and you’ll have plenty to last you until that sale and coupon comes around again.
Let’s get started!
I think coupon use ebbs and flows – there are periods when many people are into it, and then times when it seems no one cares.
But as I have told you many times over the years – treat a coupon like cash. A manufacturer has given you actual money to purchase their product. Would you just throw away money? Don’t throw away coupons for things you normally buy.
You can find coupons almost anywhere, in newspapers, magazines, and grocery flyers, and now with online shopping being so popular, there are digital coupons you can use on online orders.
Generally, coupons come in two types:
Store Coupons – these coupons are made by the store, which often offers discount deals on individual and group items.
Manufacturer Coupons – these coupons are made by the brand/manufacturer, offering bundle deals and other packages.
You will know the difference because manufacturer’s coupons ALWAYS say Manufacturer as they type, store coupons will never say that.
Depending on the store policy and coupon fine print, coupons may be used together, the same way digital coupons for discounts and free shipping can be used in a single purchases.
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Shop The Sales
Stores are always putting products on sale, whether it be a seasonal sale, a sale because they have too many, or a sale to get you into the store in hopes you’ll buy more once you’re there. You can always count on store’s having sales.
It’s a good idea if you’re serious about saving this way to have a price book. Nothing fancy, just a tracking of the product prices for the things you buy regularly.
Coupons and Sales
Keep track let’s you KNOW when it’s on a “real” sale or a fake one. You’ll know what that item’s rock bottom price is and what’s not a great sale.
If you keep track with a price book you’ll notice a trend of high, medium, and low prices on your items that happen over about a 6 week or so period.
What you’re looking for is a rock bottom price on an item, and a coupon that’s out at the same time – then you strike and grab as many as you can until that happens again.
Many times a coupon comes out and we use it right away so we don’t forget – but, that doesn’t play into what we just talked about. You want to hold on to that coupon for the best price and time.
Manufacturers and stores know when sales will happen and what coupons are out there. So sometimes your rock bottom [rice doesn’t come until just before the coupon expires. Just be aware.
You may also like this: How Etsy Coupons Work

Stack ’em Up
Stacking coupons and sales might seem far-fetched at first, but you’d be surprised at how many stores (both physical and online) allow and encourage it. Just read the fine print on the coupon and the sale and you’re golden!
With prices rising lately, it makes sense to find more ways to save. While getting discounts is great, make sure to stick to your budget and saving strategy to not end up with unnecessary purchases.

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