Who doesn’t love hacks? They make everyday life so much easier, and they can save you money. But one place we all could use extra help with is our makeup and skincare routine.
Makeup alone can be complex, especially without insider secrets. Below we discuss all the ways to make doing your makeup, skincare, and hair easier, as well as ways to save money at the same time.

18 Beauty And Makeup Hacks To Stretch Your Money
When I was 18, I went to Cosmetology school and got my license. For years I worked in hair salons and learned quite a bit of tricks from makeup artists I worked with. Over the years, I have learned even more tricks from friends, and today my daughter and granddaughter have shared many fun tips with me, as well.
So I thought it might be fun to share some quick and easy beauty tips I’ve learned over the years that can help make this part of our lives less expensive. We all know how expensive the beauty industry is. It practically costs an arm and a leg for one product.
We have hacks from ways to make your beauty tools last to how to get the perfect curled lashes. Whatever your skill level is, you’ll find the perfect tips for you and your beauty routine while getting the most bang for your buck.
So, here are 18 Beauty And Makeup Hacks To Stretch Your Money.
1. Make Your Nail Polish Last Longer

We all know how pricy nail polish can get, so making it last and keeping it from going bad is a must for saving money. For this, you need to use a drop of nail polish remover in your nail polish when it becomes too thin or tacky. It will thin it out and make it easy to use, and you won’t have to throw out a half-used bottle. (Have you ever seen an empty bottle of nail polish?)
2. Mix Products Together
Combining your makeup and skincare products is one of the best ways to cut costs. For this hack, mix your liquid foundation with your moisturizer to kill two birds with one stone and make both go further.
This tip became so popular that companies started to sell two-in-ones for many different products.
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3. Strech Your Shampoo
When my kids were little, I always bought gallon bottles of shampoo from my local beauty supply and diluted it with water, half and half. Not only did this make our shampoo last twice as long we also got to use solon quality products.
4. Use Cotton Swabs
There is always that last bit of product we can’t seem to get, no matter how hard we try. The good news is that this won’t be the case after this tip.
For this, you need to use a cotton swab to dig out the last pit of lipstick, gloss, eye shadows, lotions, almost anything to get that last little bit. I saw this tool on Shark Tank for that, too, called Spatty Daddy.
5. Use Your Ring Finger

Always use your ring finger around your eyes. It has the least amount of pressure out of all of your fingers, making it less likely to pull as hard and cause as many wrinkles. (Ok, so maybe this is just my favorite, but not so much money saving… well, you’ll have to buy fewer wrinkle creams!)
6. Transform Your Lipstick
Lipstick and lip tints can get expensive, especially when you want multiple shades. One color alone can cost you over 15$, and the price keeps going up from there.
To save money, you can make new shades out of what you have all you have to do is mix lipstick or gloss colors. It’s that easy. Now when you get tired of one or don’t like it, you can make a totally new color.
7. Say Goodbye To Clumpy Mascara

We’ve all been there, we went to use our mascara, and it was all clumpy and unusable. Why does that always happen when you’ve only used half of it?
To avoid throwing your money away, add a few drops of contact solution (saline) to your mascara to get the clumps out and make it like new. Now you can use every last drop.
8. Make Your Lipstick Last Twice As Long
For how expensive lipstick is, you would think it would last longer. To make it stretch, heat up your lipstick with a blow dryer before applying it, and it will last longer, like a lip stain.
But make sure to use a lip brush or cotton swab to apply it when it’s heated for the best results.
9. Use Lotion After You Shower

It seems like the price of lotion just keeps rising, and the containers are getting smaller. We might not be able to control the cost, but we can control how we use it.
To make it last, you need to apply your lotion immediately after showering while your skin is still damp to help the lotion absorb and go further.
10. Wet Your Makeup Brush
We all want our eye shadow to have a strong pigment but to achieve this, you tend to use a whole lot more product, and that’s the last thing you want.
To get the look you want, wet your eye shadow brush before applying your shadow. It makes it darker and will allow you to use less to achieve the look you want, ultimately making your eye shadow last longer.
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11. Have Smooth Eyeliner Every Time
We all want straight, accurate lines when it comes to our makeup, but even more so with our eyeliner. I mean, no one wants their makeup to look uneven.
To get a flawless look every time, heat up liquid eyeliner with a blow dryer before applying; it helps it set better and goes on smoother.
12. Keep Your Bottles Upside Down
Placing your products in bottles upside down is a great way to save money. Even though you can use this hack for many kinds of items, the most common product used for this hack is shower essentials.
For this tip, always store shampoo, conditioners, and body wash upside down to help get it out quicker and ultimately use every last drop.
13. Cut Open Products In Tubs

You wouldn’t believe how much you can save when using every last bit of your products. We’ve already talked about how to use all your product in bottles, but for your skincare and makeup in tubes, you can cut makeup or lotion tubes open to get the very last of the product out before tossing it in the trash. Or get a Spatty Daddy to help!
14. Turn One Beauty Tool Into Two
The price of makeup tools can add up over time, especially when you buy doubles. To cut costs cut your makeup sponges in half. This will give you twice as much for your money.
The best part is now when one is dirty you have a spare ready to go.
15. Curl Your Lashes In Half The Time

Have lushes salon lashes without the effort. All you have to do to achieve this, is to heat up your eyelash curler with a blow dryer.
This will make them curl faster and stay curled longer. Don’t get them too hot. You might burn yourself and that’s the last thing you want.
16. Have Full Lashes In Minutes
Between the special mascara, extensions, and lash serums, you can spend a fortune to get the full lashes we’ve been hoping for.
To get this look without the costs, apply baby powder or translucent powder to your eyelashes between mascara coats to get fuller-looking eyelashes.
17. Get Custom Nails Without the Price

You can now have more nail polish shades than you’ll know what to do with. All you need is eye shadow; yes, you heard right.
To get started, use old eye shadows to make new cool shades of nail polish. Just crush up your old powder eye shadows and mix them with clear polish to create your own shade.
18. Give A Hair Pin New Life
Bobby pins are super cheap, and you can get hundreds at a time. But did you know they can be used for more than putting up your hair? To upgrade them, just paint a bobby pin with nail polish to give yourself a new cute hair accessory.
There you have it. Now you know the top 18 beauty hacks to save money. Which one surprised you? Let us know in the comments. We would love to hear from you.

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