Summer skincare tips: Summer is here and it’s time to update your beauty routine! With the heat and humidity, it can be challenging to maintain your usual beauty routine!
Today, we’ll share some amazing summer beauty hacks that will help you stay fresh and glowing all season long. From hair care to skincare, we’ve got you covered.

Is your summer beauty failing in the heat? Need some Summer Beauty Hacks? These Summer Beauty Hacks will help turn your melting Summer Beauty to gorgeous and glowing.
With these simple and quick Summer Beauty Hacks you’ll have more time to have fun in the sun and still look summer gorgeous!

Summer Beauty Hacks
It’s hard to look beautiful in the summer unless you’re one of those natural beauties who looks good without makeup… I am not 🙂
Between the sweating from the heat of the summer sun, or the outdoor water activities it’s hard to keep your makeup and hair looking flawless… well, that’s the goal anyway..
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There are things you can change in your summer beauty routine to help keep yourself feeling better and in turn looking better. Because we all know feeling good makes us look exude our inner beauty!
Try out these DIY summer beauty remedies for natural solutions to common skin issues:
Protect The Skin You’re In
Summer means more time outdoors, and it’s important to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays. One of the best summer beauty tips is to use sunscreen with a high SPF, apply it generously and reapply every few hours.
Wearing a hat and sunglasses can also help protect your face and eyes from the sun’s damaging effects, too.
Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
Drinking water is not only important for your overall health, but it’s also essential for your skin and hair.
Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin and hair hydrated and glowing.

Keep Your Skin Smooth
The heat and humidity can cause our skin to become dehydrated. A great summer beauty hack is to use a hydrating mist or facial spray to refresh your skin throughout the day.
You can also opt for lightweight moisturizers that won’t clog your pores.
Try this DIY Coconut Oil Shaving Cream recipe to use when you shave, I also use it for any dry skin areas. It works great and takes less than 5 minutes to make!
Protect That Hair
Just like your skin, your hair can also get damaged by the sun’s UV rays. Wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair from the sun.
You can also use a leave-in conditioner with SPF to protect your hair from damage and prevent it from becoming dry and brittle.

Look Great Between Pedis
With sandals being a summer staple, it’s important to keep your feet soft and smooth. A simple summer beauty hack is to apply a thick layer of foot cream before bed and cover your feet with socks.
This will help lock in moisture and leave your feet feeling soft and supple.
Cut a potato in half (this is a better use than eating all those carbs anyway :)) Cover it in sea salt and use it as an exfoliator for your feet.
Scrub it all around the bottom and sides of your feet to keep your feet looking and feeling smooth and beautiful!
Summer is the perfect time to experiment with bright and bold nail colors. Go for neon shades, pastel hues, or even glitter for a fun and playful look.
Make sure to apply a top coat to prevent chipping and extend the life of your manicure.

Don’t Turn Green
I grew up in Florida in the sun, surf, and pool. My hair was white and a week or so in the pool could turn it green in a heartbeat!
One way to prevent this is to coat your hair with conditioner before going to the pool.
The conditioner fills the hair shaft and keeps the chlorine out (the chlorine is what turns blondes green).
You can also use coconut oil, or olive oil, too, be sure to rinse your hair as soon as you’re out of the chlorine for the day to keep it protected.

Don’t Get Sick
Growing up I always said my nail polish was “sick” when it got all ooey and gooey and bubbly and wasn’t good anymore.
I found that heat caused this and I started keeping my polish in the fridge and it worked like a charm.

Blackheads No More
With summer sweat and activities the blackheads just seem to multiply! Try this super simple DIY Blackhead Remover recipe you can make with items you probably have in your pantry right now.

Tame the Frizz
I WISH I had known this when I was a kid growing up in Florida, my hair was FOREVER frizzy! Now, I live in Dallas and I don’t deal with frizz at all anymore.
But, if you do, try this quick and easy remedy with ingredients you can probably find in your pantry:
Mix equal parts of Avocado Oil and Coconut Oil in a spray bottle and spray on the dry frizzy parts of your hair to tame that frizz!
Cool Down
I love this DIY Shower Gellies recipe! I keep them in the fridge and use them for hand washing and in the shower. I love the way they moisturize my skin, too!

Static No More
We all get static in our hair from time to time. It’s caused by dry hair, you can use a dryer sheet and rub it on your hair to tame it, you can spray your hairbrush with hairspray, too, just spray on the brush and then wave it a bit to dry it a little and then just brush.
The best solution I have found is leave in conditioner – just apply it lightly when you see the static and it will calm right down!
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Change Your Foundation
Keep your makeup in place all day with these sweat-proof summer makeup tips.
In the summer with all of the heat – it’s best to drop that winter foundation and opt for something less heavy.
Try a tinted moisturizer, or better yet, let your skin breathe – just use a moisturizer with SPF and a little blush and be done!
Switch to cream blushes and bronzers for a natural, dewy look. Waterproof mascara and eyeliner are also great options.

Don’t Be Sidelined By A Sunburn
I actually ended up with a terrible burn years ago. I was in bed for weeks and on pain meds and pain relieving cream. So, avoid that… If you spend a lot of time in the sun – soothe your over-baked skin with plain yogurt.
Apply it directly to the burned areas and let your skin soak it in. Follow up with Aloe Vera, if needed. The yogurt is cool and moisturizing and will feel great after a hot day outside, too.
Be A Sleeping Beauty
Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining a healthy and glowing complexion. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night and use a silk pillowcase to prevent hair breakage and reduce wrinkles.
Lighten Up Your Scent
In the summer, it’s best to opt for lighter fragrances that won’t be overpowering in the heat. Go for fresh and citrusy scents that are perfect for the season.
With these tips and tricks, you can look and feel your best all summer long. Remember to stay hydrated, protect your skin and hair, and opt for lighter makeup and fragrances.
Enjoy the season and have fun experimenting with your summer beauty routine!
What are your Summer Beauty Hacks? What is your summer beauty routine? Share your secrets in the comments below!

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