Ok, so there’s been a lot of talk lately about being frugal vs. loving deals. I LOVE a deal! I LOVE FREE the best! However, I am not what you would call frugal… I re-use my coffee filters.. hmm.. that’s about it! 🙂 I tried washing out my zipper baggies and reusing them, but, I don’t remember half the time.
Being Frugal vs. Loving Deals!
I will use a coupon for a meal out, or anything I have to pay for – I LOVE making great deals! Now, does this mean I overspend? At times, I spend more than I should. Do I feel bad about it afterward – sometimes. I just wanted to take a few minutes of your time and let you know it’s ok, in my book, to just LOVE a deal! I don’t think everyone needs to be as frugal as absolutely possible at all times – BUT (see that large but?) I have NO problem with and even admire people who are that frugal.
I got into couponing to be able to save money. Then I saw how fun it was and how much I enjoy seeing how much I can save. It’s like a game to me – and I HATE losing this game – like going to CVS and they are out of the deal I wanted to do – now that is aggravating!
Also, I am not rich – lol – so I probably need to be more frugal than I am – but, I guess we could all say that! So, if you are looking for 999 uses for Softsoap – my answer would be to use what you can and give the rest away. Someone else might actually have some other uses for the extra Softsoap – and I would be happy to hear it and learn from it and may even do it. But, mainly I want to share good great deals with you, things I would do or buy.
So, you will see here great deals on things online and in the store. If there was no chance I would do it myself – then I won’t share it with you. But, if I think I would do it, then I will share it.
For example, when I look at Tide and see it is $9.99 and there is a $0.25 coupon for it – I’m probably not gonna tell you about it – it doesn’t “excite” me! lol But, if I see Colgate on sale 10/$10 and we have a $1 off – Oh yeah, I’m telling you in a heartbeat! If that same Tide were on for $9.99 and there was a $3 off coupon, I would probably tell you – would I buy it? Probably not, I’m fine using any brand for clothes, so that would be more than I would want to spend – but, I know there are people who like Tide, so they would like to see a $3 savings!
So, this is just me rambling sharing with you what and why I may post things here for you! I LOVE all of you and enjoy doing this for you and for me! I LOVE all of your comments and your loyalty! Stay tuned for more great deals!
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Cari r says
I run a small group called a gosh darn good deal and if I were to explain to my girls why I do it, it is also because it excites me to save. I tell them often i have been sent to save them money lol. I follow a lot of bloggers and fb pages that show great deals and I share them in my group. For all the saving tips I say thank you to you for taking your time to teach and share.
Dian says
Thanks for the kind words! I love what I do! So thankful I am able to do it!