What Is Coupon Stacking? When you decide you want to try couponing, it can be quite confusing at first, and you can end up being very frustrated trying to learn the terms and ways things work in this “new extreme couponing world.”

For years, I had wanted to learn how to be an extreme couponer. I would clip coupons out of the Sunday newspaper and file them in a little file in my purse and promptly forget about them.
Then 6 months later, I would find them at the bottom of my purse all expired without ever once pulling them out when I was on my shopping trip at the grocery stores!

This happened many times over the years until I found someone who knew how and was doing it well! I asked her to please teach a class at our church, which she did willingly. We were so thrilled, and all began couponing, and I have never stopped!

Things have changed quite a bit since then. Back then, there were no rewards cards, store loyalty cards, money saving apps, or rebate apps, that we could use them with our coupons, register rewards, ECB’s (Extra Care Bucks), and sales.
Now, there are mobile apps, stores with multiple offers for specific products such as beauty products, laundry detergent, toilet paper, and more that you can use together – like Target’s Cartwheel Circle, printable coupons from coupon sites, digital coupons, Target coupons, and RedCard! So many more ways to do this now.
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Every offer has “rules” or ways you can and cannot use them, so it’s best to know those. A good coupon stack is a great way to save more money, but, you need to know what it is and how to do it!
The most important thing to know about ANY kind of couponing is to make sure you know and print out the store’s coupon policy for the different stores you shop at.
You may need to reread them in your local grocery store or share them with the cashier in some cases.
FAQ About Coupons: What Is Coupon Stacking?
I am often asked questions about couponing, so I decided to answer each one separately to make it easier for you to find.

To Stack, Coupons means to use a store coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon on a single product to get a good deal and save so much money just keep in mind to make sure the expiration date is still good on both as well as read the coupon redemption terms closely.
For example – let’s say Walgreens has a sale on Chex Mix, and they are $1 each.
If Walgreens had a coupon in their sales flyer for $.50 off 1 bag and you had Smart Source manufacturers’ coupons for, let’s say, $.25 off 1 bag.
You can use both of those on a single item in a single transaction, as the same bag of Chex Mix:
Chex Mix – Sale $1
use $.50/1 Walgreens In-Ad Coupon
Stack With
$.25/1 Smart Source Coupon
Final Price: $.25 each
You can do this with printable coupons as well. Just remember 1 manufacturer coupon plus 1 store coupon = stacking, and each paper coupon is taken at face value of the coupon.
Stacking coupons is one of the ways you can get the best deals, never pay regular price, and get free items which equals your best savings at your favorite stores.

Make sure to read the fine print on the paper manufacturer’s coupons carefully. Sometimes you will get them in the store, but they will say manufacturer on the top of the coupon when you think it might be a Kroger store coupon.
I often get a home mailer from Kroger that has many coupons in it – they all look like Kroger coupons, but the best thing is, if you read them carefully, you will see that while there are some Kroger store coupons in there, there are also manufacturer’s coupon, too, often making for great deals.
Almost all stores take coupons, too. Just look for their coupon policy on their website. From a Dollar General store coupon to Dollar Tree and don’t forget restaurant coupons and car maintenance coupons. There are savings to be had. You just have to change your mindset.
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The drug stores, as we used to call them, often have some of the best deals of the week. You can often find them written out for you in the coupon flyers found in the Sunday paper. The coupon flyers are full of paper manufacturers’ coupons. The dollar stores also have great deals.
Rite Aid, Walgreens, and CVS have some of the best deals each week, but you have to be quick as there is a lot of competition for just a few specific items. Again it’s important to know those store coupon policies.
When I say to know the policies you need to know things like: how they handle duplicate coupons, digital manufacturer coupons, free product, clearance items, types of coupons they take if they have a club card, how they deal with identical coupons, product availability, and more.
And even though they are few and far between you can still find some stores that double coupons and even triple on the dollar amount.
Even if you do your shopping online, you can still use coupon codes, promo codes, free shipping, gift cards, promotion code, and other discounts to get a better deal, and you can often find awesome deals, as well.
So, that’s all there is to coupon stacking, you’ll never pay full price again! Let me know if you have any questions!
FAQ About Coupons: 1 Per Purchase Or Transaction?
FAQ About Coupons: How Many Do I Have To Buy?
FAQ About Coupons: Where Can I Find Coupons?
FAQ About Coupons: What If The Store Refuses My Printable Coupons?

Sherry says
Like this just learned coupon stacking .
Dian says
Great! I am happy to help!
Charlene says
I was at Brookshires and was using one of them Kroger coupons and the cashier said “uh ma’am you can’t use that” and I said yes I can it’s a manufacturer coupon…I said go ahead scan and she did and it went thru…I love stacking coupons…I save so much money at Brookshires doing this..oh and they still double and triple their coupons.
Dian says
dally says
Really helpful thank you
Dian says
You’re very welcome! I am glad it helped!
Stacy says
Awesome , will remember that.